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Un-ban Appeal - TRUE SOVIET BEAR - 12/10/19

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England, hull
In-game Name
master shush

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
i was banned because it looked like i was trolling by switching to all of the rebel clan chats

Why should we unban you ?
you should unban me because i was trying to look for my friend dexy and i cant see whos in each channel so i have to go through each one, the reason i was doing this is because stuff was going down and jus wanted to find and talk to dexy to see if he was alright because he's a good friend and person soo i went looking through the channels, in the end i was moved to a staff channel told i was trolling and should know better because i had been on the ts server 80 times which is not right because even though i have been on the server 80 times i still do not know how to use most of it only the basics like joining and switching channels and i should be unbanned as i am a active member of rpuk and as well as this i think i was banned unfairly and wasn't really able to say my side of the story fairly.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

I think this was unfair because they wrongly said I knew how to use team teamspeak despite the fact that I told them multiple times that I did not know how to use teamspeak (what I mean by not being able to use teamspeak is that I can only do the basics like join a channel and chat) as well as this I was not able to fully explain my side of the story to the admins and I do understand that swaping between these channel does make anyone who does this look like a troll but that is not the case here I did state to the admins at the time that I was trying to look for someone and I personally can only see the people in the channel when I'm in the channel for example I cant see someone if GB lasion when I'm in ag lasion which makes it difficult to find someone when they have gone of in mood or are being unfairly kicked , I did tell most of this to the admins but they did not listen and take my side of the story into account which they should have as they only want the best for roleplay.co.uk making it unfair and one sided 

i have to admit, i have issues to believe this as well. You have played more then 220 Hrs on our server alone. 
Then you tell me here you cant see who is in what channel? 
What did you do, If you wanted to talk to a certain player about his in game actions? 
Also if you thought your friend was in trouble, Why did you not use the ingame phone? 

Yes this is correct I can not see anyone in any other channel but my own as an example I pointed out if someone is in GB lasion eg dexy or Clark i would not be able to tell and usually have to ask using other methods like steam and discord if I would like to talk to them, yes this is a problem for me and I have tried to fix this in the past but my attempts have failed 

Well if I wanted to talk to an certain in game player I would ask them to come to alpha group lasion which is where I spend most of my time if not all of my time 

I did not use the in game phone phone as it was not a Ingame matter and I was logging off for the night anyway, he was not in trouble in the game but in a teamspeak dispute 

I did not use the in game phone phone as it was not a Ingame matter and I was logging off for the night anyway, he was not in trouble in the game but in a teamspeak dispute 
That does not sound like a urgent matter, And it has also nothing to do you with you. 
I am sure he could solve this dispute by himself. 
Also we would this not to happen again. So you might want to try to fix this issue. 
You sure you have this option marked.

 if you go to options, Then on application on the bottom there is a mark subscribe to all channels. 

In your mind it is not an urgent matter but in mine it is as I know the backstory and the whole build up I will try your solution to try and resolve my issue with my ts. 

Sorry to be the party pooper but I can see you have actually connected to our teamspeak server alone over 80 times, there is no way that you don't know what you're doing and to be honest I don't know why you made up such a bullshit story. Tell the truth or don't bother wasting our time. 

Although your appeal has been Denied, please give the rules a thorough read here.

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