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Un-ban Appeal - tristanthebest2 - 15/06/18 (Denied)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
combat logging

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for combat logging. i turn off my computer when i was getting arrested. so i would not loss my stuff

Why should we unban you ?
i would like to be unban because its been a long time since I have played this sever i looked at the rules over and over i am sorry for breaking the rules in the first place. now i will make i don't break any rules i looked at all the rules and i know how to play and i will make sure not to break any rules. this is one of the best severs i ever play i really want to get back in it am sorry for breaking the ruels i really want to get back in to the sever. I messed up but this time i make sure i don't mess up again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

You received two bans in under a month.

In this appeal you state " i turn off my computer when i was getting arrested. so i would not loss my stuff" ~ In the report that got you banned you said you turned your PC off because your game crashed and your friends told you to do it.  then you had windows updates -- So you lied to staff  on the report against you to try and sway that outcome and save your skin ? That is smart ...

Now before we make a decision on entertaining this appeal please answer the following

1) Why did you lie to staff?

2) How can we believe you now or in the future?

3) why should we consider taking this appeal any further?

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(1 I dk I tried to get it away am not going to lie to you again that's it I tried to get away it. (2 over the long time I have not been playing here I leant lieing gets you no where and just make things worst it was my mistake of lieing I dk why I lied because it  didn't help. I  would   of  not got banned  if I   just  told the truth     .so that's why I just don't lie no more. Well I try my hardest not to.(3 because I want to come back to this sever and I leant not to combat log and I leant not lie.. what I did was so so dumb I would not got banned if I just told the truth. so I know not to break rules and not to lie   

If put in a similar situation again, what would you do different ?

if I was  in a similar I was tell the truth of what happened and say that I mess up and plz forgive and begggg the guy not to report me. but I would probs not be in a similar again because am going to make sure that this dose not happened again 

So you've been:

  1. Warned for Racial comments
  2. Warned for Advertising
  3. Given a Final warning for combat logging
  4. Got Banned for Baiting
  5. Banned again for Combat Logging
Think very carefully about your next reply:

Why should I bother to unban you if you don't learn and have been warned and banned for the same thing twice?

first of all the 4. got banned for baiting. the admin that banned me and some of my mates. was wrong and I had to speak to stuff about that bann and I got unbanned when I showed the stuff what happened it was a miss understanding. that ban was not far at all I talked to a leading stuff and there said it was a miss understanding I still the videos of what. so the 4 was wrong and not fair I did nothing wrong. 1. 2. 3. and 5. its been a long long time seen I played I have grown up and know what am doing now am sorry for that happen but I know that it was wrong and I know the rules now. 

You lied on your report, got caught breaking multiple rules and got issued with multiple warnings - the list goes on

After being a serial rule breaker one would think that someone would go above and beyond and apply abit of effort to their appeal.

The only reason you gave for why we should unban you is "Its been a long long time" and "I know the rules now" - You had plenty of chances to learn the rules and you wasted them.

You can Appeal after 6 moths have passed from your original ban date.


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