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Un-ban Appeal - Trank - 06/14/2016 (Denied)

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Active member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Combat logging

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
For not respawning after dying. Please note that i don't do the combat logging where you alt f4 straight after dying to save gear, all i do is close down my game after being RDM'd a few minutes after dying so the server knows i've died so i can look at my playstv to make sure it was RDM or they were breaking a rule.

I did not do what this player did:

i don't know if i should report him or not though... as i've just been banned for it xD

Why should we unban you ?
Basically, when i get RDM'd or when i die to other reasons which don't involve valid RP i wait a few minutes to see if i can get revived. If i can't i close down my game and do not respawn, now i don't do it straight away to save my gear, i've never actually done it on purpose before but i did get warned a few days ago for doing it by accident. i did come onto the ts and tell the ts helper that i did it and an admin came and took all my gear away.

The reason why i think i should be unbanned is because i understand that i've broken one serious rule already before but i've never broken this rule before. If you've noticed, each time i've been banned i've never been caught breaking that rule again, the first time i got banned which was like 4/5 months ago, it was for metagaming, i've never done it again. The second time i got banned it was because an admin accused me of RDM which it was ruled out not RDM, i've never RDM'd someone since then, i never have. I've been calm on the ts and polite to all staff members at all times. This is literally a one off, i did not intend to combat log, i thought the meaning of combat log was to just leave straight after dying to save your gear, i didn't realise it was against the rules to wait a bit then close your game down, I only did this so i could view my playstv as well so i could look at my recording.

The thought i've got whilst writing this appeal is "the chances of me being unbanned are 1000000-1." I understand that i've done some bad stuff in the past but i'm not stupid, i learn from my mistakes, just like i said before, i never break a rule twice.

I couldn't be more apologetic about this. Plus the rule i broke isn't as serious as rules such as RDM or fail RP. All i did was leave the game after a few minutes after dying, easily fixable, it's very easy to not do that so it's never ever going to happen ever again. I can not emphasize that enough!


Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

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Last edited by a moderator:
You have been previously unbanned within 3 months 


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