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Un-ban Appeal - Timbolino - 05/09/18

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James A

Well-known member
The Netherlands
In-game Name
Tim Baker

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
(2.8) Threats to report / disputes / Breaking RP in Voice.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
The reason why I was banned is that I broke the 2.8 Threats ro report rule. Before that happened, there was an incident. I wanted to ask the person to come to the Police/Rebel Liaison room, but it looked like this person was not going to come to there. I said that I was going to report the person if he wouldn't come to the liaison room, and that was a genuine stupid mistake and I completely understand it why I got banned for this.

Why should we unban you ?
After I got banned, I was thinking about what the last time was I did a full-read through the rules. I concluded that it was a while ago. So I spent time to read through the rules and remembering them. This server has a lot of rules, that is offcourse what makes it so awesome and gives it seriousness. But sometimes you have to remind yourself of so many rules that you forget something, and that was what happened in this case. I can say a lot more about the fact that I didn't know it, but I know and understand that it is a stupid excuse to say that, because I just should have known the rules better.

The reason why I think you should unban me is to give me a second chance, now I know the rules better. I really enjoy playing on RPUK, it is the server and community where I bought Arma 3 for and I will always be an ambassador of RPUK, even if the staff team decides to not unban me.

Thanks for taking time to read my un-ban appeal.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here


The in-game attitude that you've shown here is not something that we want to see.

If you feel you are an ambassador to the community, why would you display this attitude in game?

We find the attitude you displayed concerning and would like to ask you what you will do to prevent this from ever happening again?


The in-game attitude that you've shown here is not something that we want to see.

If you feel you are an ambassador to the community, why would you display this attitude in game?

We find the attitude you displayed concerning and would like to ask you what you will do to prevent this from ever happening again?
Thank you for your fast reply.

I completely get that my behaviour and in-game attitude that I've shown was very bad. It was stupid, and I really regret my choice to say that to this person.

To prevent this from ever happening again: I've spent time multiple times to learn the rules better. Now I know the rules much better, this kind of mistakes won't be made anymore. I will spent more times on the forums to remind myself to go over to the "Rules"-section and give them a good read again from time to time. The rules are highly important and everyone should take them very serious, especially me because of all of this.

I want to thank you again for taking time to read and reply to my un-ban appeal.

how will you treat the situation next time? 
What will you say to a person, To show you are not happy with his in-game actions? 

how will you treat the situation next time? 
What will you say to a person, To show you are not happy with his in-game actions? 
I would handle the RP situation as it is from that point on to not break character or RP, and after the RP situation I would ask through Direct Communication chat with “//“ in front, if that person wants to come to Teamspeak to discuss about the situation that just happened. If the person does not reply, I would check if that person is somewhere on Teamspeak already and send them a message. If they are not on Teamspeak and they did not reply in Direct Communication chat, I would give it a last chance by seeking contact through the in-game mobile. If there is still no reply after putting much effort in giving the person enough time and awareness that we have to resolve the problem in Teamspeak, then I would proceed to file a report on the forums.

What have you learned from this situation?
That I should have put more time in reading the rules better before this situation, and that the in-game attitude that I have shown is not good and can not be tolerated. I should never threaten someone with filing a report. 

We do not want to see you on this side of the forums again, especially for anything like this. We hope that you've learnt from this.

UNBANNED - Welcome back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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