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Un-ban Appeal - Tim Turner - 07/20/2017 (Unbanned)

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Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Restrain Glitching

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I didnt mean to restrain glitch, they came off and i was walking around the top of my base, didnt open any doors or anything.

Why should we unban you ?
I have re-read the rules, i believe i had a spot of stupid behaviour and i do now know the rules that i broken are now in my head and i am certain they wont be broken again, i think if you give me an unban i can prove my self to be a good player and also to show you that i have rethought and made myself into a better player than i previously was and i think you could see that i am a new, more informed and more aware player than i was.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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"His excuse was that he forgot about the rules"

that is copied from your ban note, Why should we consider to let you play again. 
if you forget about rules ? 

I was just inconsiderate at the time and it was indeed a time of weakness that will never be portrayed again, i shouldn't of been as careless to not put my hands up and it was indeed my fault and i am deeply sorry for this i ensure you if i was to reengage with the server i wouldn't be so careless and i would ensure i play with a good standard of RP and i have indeed re read the rules and i now believe i am 100% informed of each and  every single rule so this wont happen again. 

how can we be sure that you will not forget the rules again next time ? 

i am 100% informed of each and  every single rule so this wont happen again. 
I backup my statement to ensure that this will not happen again, and i have such passion a love for the game/server that it wont be worth breaking any rules and getting banned because to be honest its such a big part of my gaming experience and  it will be ruined if i can't play because there is no other server like this one, this is superior compared to the others and its my and my friends favourite by far.

(2.4) Using any exploits such as looting dead bodies, duplication of items or money, using the ‘Flip Vehicle’ feature outside of its intended purpose, transferring / processing items through walls and windows,and locking doors that have been broken into before 10 minutes have passed, IE those that have been bolt-cut.

It doesn't say it in this rule, but i believe it would indeed come under 'Using an exploit/bug', This is were there is a bug in the game that allows people to un-restrain themselves, when the person who initially restrained them has been wounded(bleeding out) or indeed is killed, therefore the player is free from restraints. When this happens the player should remain where they are, put their hands on their head and wait until someone comes to them, and if they do they need to have a good standard of RP E.G  ' Role playing with lock picks or 'cuts' the restrains off them' which then they can continue if however this doesn't happen, they will have to wait for someone to do so.

well we can not write every exploit down on the rulespage, that list will be to many. 
but what i know is that i asked to quote the rule, but you forgot a small part, And that is a bit convenient.

when you end the quote there comes a sentence behind. 
IE those that have been bolt-cut. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal.

So what i gathered from your appeal is that you will say everything to get you out of trouble.
And say everything that staff want to hear. 

So tell me, Why should we give you a other chance when it says  in the rule Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal? 

You can see by how fast my response is that im watching this 24/7, this proves i have genuine passion for the server and i even replied at 3:45am in the morning, would i really do this to cause more trouble, ever since i played on this server i enjoyed every bit of it, ive made some really stupid mistakes but this is a massive wake up call and i realise that im on thin ice. i fully understand that i will be lucky to be unbanned so i wont taking any more chances with breaking the rules again, i have made some really good friends on the server and it has really made an indent in my gaming experience, it took up 3/4's of my day when i was playing on the server. I will be incredibly grateful for another chance and i also understand it would be my last one. thankyou 

For someone who tells me they have a passion for the server, I'm sure you understand why I am skeptical. You have now on at least 2 occasions had very convenient lapses of memory, which always seem to work to your own benefit. Then when caught out by these lapses, fly off the handle, hence the reason you were also banned off Teamspeak. You attempted to lie your way through a police unblacklisting, got caught out in video evidence. So I have witnessed first hand you will say anything you can to get yourself out of trouble rather than admitting fault and mistake, and holding your hands up and genuinely apologise, there's always an excuse or someone else to blame.

So what is the truth? Did you actually forget the rules? Or were you just cheating because you thought you'd get away with it?

Everything I have told you about the matter is 100% truthful and I am not trying to blame anyone for what happened. I have admitted that I am at fault and have offered my humble apologies and a plea for another chance. I will repeat it loud and clear that I fully accept that I am at fault here but I have done everything I can to try and put the situation right. I have re read the rules because I know I will be lucky to get another chance now, another ban appeal after this one would be completely hopeless so I wouldn't even risk it.

The answer to your question is yes I was completely truthful I was not cheating because I thought I could get away with it, I actually thought what I was doing was within the rules. This is obviously my mistake as I was not as familiar with the rules as I should have been however this is no longer an issue because I am fully up to date with the rules now. I am not claiming to be perfect and I accept that I have made some stupid mistakes on the server but I`m only human and I am happy to admit my mistakes were plain idiotic and I am actually embarrassed about them now because in hindsight they were completely pointless and silly to begin with.

This is straight from the heart and I assure you I am not telling you everything you want to hear. I agree with the rules and how strict you are because they make this the best RP server by far. I could easily go to GrandTheftArma or one of the hundreds of other servers like this but I`m going to lots of effort to be unbanned because the RP here is second to none.
This is why I fully agree with the rules and I am not making a challenge to them whatsoever, I am deeply sorry for the incidents and ashamed because I behaved like the sort of player makes the other RP servers so bad.
I hope you can see that I am a genuine player and not some stupid troll. I would have moved onto another server by now if that's all my intentions were. You can even quote me on this in case I ever get banned again "IF I AM EVER BANNED AGAIN NO MATTER HOW MINOR, I HAVE BROKEN MY PROMISE TO NEVER REOFFEND AND CONSIGN MYSELF TO A PERMANENT BAN WITHOUT APPEAL".

I hope you can give me a final chance because this server has given me an RP experience that I never imagined was possible from a game. I don`t want to leave it like this and I want to make amends for my mistakes. I repeat that I have re read the rules and will keep my head down if I am unbanned. I know this would be my absolute final chance and I give you my solemn word that you will not have to waste any more time dealing with me again.

I am extremely sorry for my offences but I would be incredibly grateful for another chance to make amends and join back in with the RP that I am missing already. Being in Discord with my friends while they are all talking about it and I cant play is horrible and I know this is self inflicted however if you give me another chance, for what its worth I promise you wont regret it.
Thank you for your time


After reading all the posts above and doing some background checks on the database, this isn`t the first issue we had with you. This will be you LAST chance given to continue playing here. Stay out of trouble or issues that might arise.


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