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Un-ban Appeal - the true Heisenberg - 09/20/2017 (Unbanned 27/09/2017)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
for saying on side chat offensive words, that must offended other player feelings. For not respecting their free will to feel or thing differently from other people/players.

Why should we unban you ?
Back then I didn't knew that. That this one sentence would ruin everything for me.

I guess my 26 years (back on 2016) humor or sarcasm sometimes goes beyond other minds. I never treated anyone bad or discriminated anyone as they should not been. everyone has rights to feel or do what ever they want to, and that's no other people business to judge or mock someone just because they thing or feel different from others.

the main Idea of my words was ment to be funny, but it just didnt happen, I saw some players where sending to each other this Love " <3 " simbol and I thought that would be right thing to say, (as arma3 offers you only male character bodys) to laught together, but then all the hell break on my head.

I regret my action and if someone felt offensed then I apologize.

All I want, is to play some good Role Play on this server and nothing more.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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  • Facepalm
Reactions: M
12/11/2016 16:30
I'm obviously missing the funny part of this. Can you see why people may have been offended by this?
Please quote the rule/s you've broken here and explain them in your own words. 
@TCK Matt

For homophobia:

[SIZE=medium](1.2)[/SIZE][SIZE=medium] [/SIZE][SIZE=medium]Discrimination of any kind is punished by a permanent ban without appeal. [/SIZE]

and most likely this too:

[SIZE=medium](1.3)[/SIZE][SIZE=medium] [/SIZE][SIZE=medium]Swearing at someone outside of roleplay is not tolerated and will be punished by a ban. [/SIZE]

As I mention above:

for saying on side chat offensive words, that must offended other player feelings.

For not respecting their free will to feel or thing differently from other people/players.

In the end there is nothing funny in that sentence, It is all my fault. 

Back then I was in bad mood, And I said what I shouldn't say ever.

To be honest I wasn't aware about rules property and that was my first mistake. 

If you look in my records, then there hasn't been any other problems with me (no bans or etc),

I had wait my punnishment time (10 months)

and would like to start again a life on your servers. But now with different character and with my mouth shut. 

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The internet is a place where dark humour, rudeness and salt is expected. In this community we are not as tolerant as some. I dont think you meant to be malicious or cause upset to anyone when you posted  "F,KING GAYS THESE DAYS...." ingame. However there is consequences to every action and I believe you paid you price and did your time.

Welcome back, Make sure you have updated yourself with our rules (Quite abit has changed since you last played)

Unbanned 27/09/2017

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