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Un-ban Appeal - T-Nick - 03/08/2017 (Unbanned)

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Well-known member
In-game Name
Jock Shepard

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I think i was banned because of low quality RP and RDM

Why should we unban you ?
Because at the moment in which this event took place, TBM the gang i am in, are at war with the police, and there special units AR and SPECTOR are on a house raiding spree, so as you can imagine tensions between the cops and us are high, and we have been told to Execute every cop we come insight of. So you can imagine to my amazement when an officer says to me "keep circling us and I will shot you, you dick head", so from this i took that as i was now able to shoot the man who said this too me. And so i went forth with killing this man. I then straight after receive the following message of which i reply too and do not get a reply back, so he also lied in his report saying that he tried to resolve it.- https://gyazo.com/0ce9b526217f5eabbeb28424bbbeda51 . Which i then took as this was the end of the situation as he did not further try to come in contact with me. But later that evening i receive word from my gang members that i had been reported for the situation in had. Which i replied to swiftly and no further comments were made on the situation and there was no discussing the situation, which i then thought it would be denied, not only because my life was threatened but also because the video was invalid as it was to short and poor RP was given back to me. 

But i have taken this situation into mind and have ask for the perspective from the Staff member who banned me. With this new context put into my mind i saw how it was considered border line RDM and poor RP, which is unusual for me as i think i RP very well in certain situations.

I now write this unban appeal, because i see it from different perspectives, and i see how it could be con-sieved as poor RP and RDM. But my reason for killing the officer are simple, TBM is currently at war with the police, the officer i had killed is in AR/SPECTOR and they had just come from a raid of several TBM members houses, so from this information i have written there is a lot of RP done but not given as i have tried to outline the reasoning for the situation.

But i still believe better RP could of been given by myself instead of shooting the officer. I understand i have made a mistake in killing the officer with poor RP. I promise it will not happen again. As not i fully understand what too do. I hope you will accept this so that i can prove to this community this was just a hick up, and that hick ups can always be cured with time. So i will take some time away from this and i will think over the situation in question, and i am more than happy to write and apology if need/wanted/requested. I hope you see this situation was not the usual for me and it hasn't happened before, and i promise that it will not happen again.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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You was unbanned in January for a severe rule break and now you're back here...

I appreciate the effort put into your appeal.

Just because you are 'at war with the police' does that mean that poor roleplay has to occur between both parties? What could have been done to avoid this situation (you getting banned?)

Can you confirm for me that you FULLY understand our RDM rules by quoting and explaining them? Additionally can you tell me what roleplay is to YOU.

You was unbanned in January for a severe rule break and now you're back here...

I appreciate the effort put into your appeal.

Just because you are 'at war with the police' does that mean that poor roleplay has to occur between both parties? What could have been done to avoid this situation (you getting banned?)

Can you confirm for me that you FULLY understand our RDM rules by quoting and explaining them? Additionally can you tell me what roleplay is to YOU.
what could have been done to avoid the situation? To avoid the situation completely i could of done a few things, the first being, completely ignored the warning and to not of acted upon the initiation, secondly, have some sort of high quality RP with the Police man before i even though about killing or hostage taking or execution or what ever was going to happen with him.

I do confirm that i fully understand the RDM rule,'

[SIZE=medium](2.2) Random Death match (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality role play, please at least attempt to create an interesting role play story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban). [/SIZE][SIZE=medium]This rule is not applicable in the red zone.'[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]RDM is basically if i shoot someone, after engaging in low quality RP, or i shoot someone randomly for no reason.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Role play to me is key in Arma as it allows me to have fun on servers such as yours, it allows me to interact with other people and create interesting story lines and events, but from this situation it seems like it means nothing to me, but be assured that is not the case.It does me something to me, as i believe this is one of the best communities out there, and i know if i want to be apart of that, i have to enjoy and be good at RP. [/SIZE]  

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