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Un-ban Appeal - Strength2000 - 03/23/2016 (Unbanned)

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The date of your ban.

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Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I think I was banned as I randomly hit into the car on purpose for no apparent reason, which is classed as VDM.

Why should we unban you.
I think I should be unbanned, as this was about 1 month ago, when I was still messing about quite a bit, but recently I took it a lot more seriously, as I have been accepted into the NHS and I am now the paramedic role, and I was going to apply for the police. I was fully aware of the VDM rule, as it has been a rule for a long time among many RP games. I admit that I was messing about a bit, and have not done anything wrong on purpose since, as I understand what I done wrong. When the person in the back on the truck was shooting, I tried avoiding, but accidently crashed into the car on my left. The first time I hit the car on the right was on purpose as I was messing around, which I would not do again, and I understand that there are consiqnuenses for this, and I was messing about, this will not happen again. After that, the second car that I hit into was an accident as I was trying to avoid getting killed by the bullets, and the person in the back of the offroad car was shooting directly at me. I fully understand what I have done was wrong, and accept the consiquence for it, and I will make sure this does not happen again, because recently I have taken it all a lot more seriously and understand consiquences that can happen. I have also been a very active, freindly and helpful player on AltisLife, helping new students in the NHS, and new players. I have not done anything else wrong, and have role played correctly and well, and worked my way up in the NHS. I love the server, and play it a bit everyday, looking to work my way into the police. I am extremely sorry for what I done, and I will make sure it does not happen again. I have also fully checked over the rules to make sure I am certain on everything. Thanks in advance.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

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Thats why you were banned, and you've been here almost a year. Why would you do such a deliberate act???

I really don't know. Its happened now already, so I cant change it. But I am willing to give the guys compensation or whatever is needed as an act of kindness for what I done to them. But I am honestly sorry, and everyone makes mistakes, and as I said, it would not happen again, I don't have an answer for what I done, but I just felt the need to do it as I wanted a police chase or some type of in-game trouble, but I somehow forgot about the rule, or thought it was only if I killed them, not if I knocked them. I was expecting to hit them and then have a police chase, not realizing that the VDM rule came under just hitting them, I thought it was deliberately crashing into the car to blow it up, not just knocking it. But I am fully aware of this now, and understand the rules a lot more thoroughly. It was just the one thing, and I have not done anything else like this on the server. So once again, I know what I done, but I can't change it now, so I am very sorry.

Can you explain the rule you broke in your own words

I broke the rule VDM. VDM is when you purposely hit a car. VDM can also be clased as randomly running innocent people over. VDM is also trying to blow somebodies vehicle up for no apparent reason. In my case, I hit a car, which was outside of combat in Kavala. I did not know who was in the car and there was no reason for hitting for car. I then swerved off the road, as I was being shot, which was my fault, as I did ram into the car, and did damage to another one of their gangs' cars. Im sorry for breaking the rule, and I fully understand what I did and the rule I broke, and it will nolt happen again. Thanks.

Follow the rules going forward.


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