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Un-ban Appeal - SenorJoel - 05/24/2017 (Unbanned 04/06/2017)

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New member
In-game Name
[AAF]XTyroneFatBoiiiiiX or STU. Senor Joel

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Abusive Language

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I got banned for the reason of putting "I need to be the cool guy faggot" I meant it as a joke to someone in side chat and I see that it's bad now and I sincerely apologise for doing that, I see that it was stupid now and should of kept the chat clean instead of putting it and just said I need to be "cool somehow" it was an idiot move and I'm hoping I get another chance for this reason as it's my first offence that I've done in the chat, I've done wrongly to the community and broke a rule that I shouldn't of and wish'ed I never actually put that, obviously I can't say I was replying to a friend as I shouldn't of put it anyway, I apologise once again for doing this that I didn't think when I was typing in the chat and it was a really stupid move instead of thinking it through. I don't really have anything more to say as I can't argue my self out of it or try place anymore into this box.

The other reason is I put my vac ban in the chat with a note as I was explaining to one of my buddies that I got a false vac ban as I got hacked a while back and they hacked on my CS:GO account and a friend asked why I got it and how long I've had it that's why I added the quotations (Best vac ban ever) I apologise for this.

Why should we unban you ?
I feel like everyone should deserve a second chance and as this is my only offence, I'm hoping you will allow this as I didn't mean to do all of this and messed up when I did do so, I should of thought it through instead of typing it and I understand why I've been banned and hope that I can be unbanned to carry on RPing as a NHS member and a rebel as I really enjoy the atmosphere of RP that can be created on the server and would be sad if i lost the opportunity to actually carry on RPing on the server, obviously I can't say that I be unbanned for sure but all I can do is try my best and hope for the best. 

The other reason that I think I should be unbanned is that I will read through the rules another 5 times until I learn them off by heart so that I don't break them all again and also make sure that I don't make a mistake in the chat again as I didn't really understand the words you can/can't say on this server so I will hold back from any words that can be offensive to someone. I will make sure that I don't do it at the end of the day and that's all I can really say in this.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I will leave the below for the staff member dealing with the appeal. But let me thoroughly state that jokes about a terrorist attack where thousands lost their lives is not a fit subject for humour. Furthermore, as somebody who actually has to live with the consequences of homophobic and anti-LGBT attitudes every day, I struggle to see how in any form this could be construed as humorous either. Now I know better than to take your comments personally as I have confidence what you are saying is likely to be entirely truthful, but next time keep in mind people like myself have paid a high price for defending the LGBT community for years, and some of us no longer have a family who will even speak to us in pursuit of defending that liberty.

In short, be careful in future please. It's all fun and games until you realise just how close to home those comments can strike.

23/05/2017 19:55 (Group) STU. Senor Joel // 911 day(s) since last ban (Best vac ban date ever)

21/05/2017 22:56 (Unknown) [AAF]XTyroneFatBoiiiiiX I need to be the cool guy somehow faggot ;)

I will leave the below for the staff member dealing with the appeal. But let me thoroughly state that jokes about a terrorist attack where thousands lost their lives is not a fit subject for humour. Furthermore, as somebody who actually has to live with the consequences of homophobic and anti-LGBT attitudes every day, I struggle to see how in any form this could be construed as humorous either. Now I know better than to take your comments personally as I have confidence what you are saying is likely to be entirely truthful, but next time keep in mind people like myself have paid a high price for defending the LGBT community for years, and some of us no longer have a family who will even speak to us in pursuit of defending that liberty.

In short, be careful in future please. It's all fun and games until you realise just how close to home those comments can strike.
23/05/2017 19:55 (Group) STU. Senor Joel // 911 day(s) since last ban (Best vac ban date ever)

21/05/2017 22:56 (Unknown) [AAF]XTyroneFatBoiiiiiX I need to be the cool guy somehow faggot ;)
Yeah, I said it was try and it was a very stupid mistake that I made and regret putting it to be completely honest with you, I didn't think any of this through and made a huge mistake like I said and to this hour I regret putting it as I didn't think about it from someone else's point of view. 

Like I said as well I understand what I've done and if someone doesn't allow me to come back to the server I completely understand why, I just wanted to make sure that you know that I'm incredibly sorry.

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I hope you have learned from this. The internet is a big place, remember that, something which you may find as a "joke" can hit someone close at home. 

I do not want to see anything like this again from you.


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