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Un-ban Appeal - Semlex - 28/03/19 <T>

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Admin kick

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
it has been 2 year ago, i think i broke a rule i dont remember what rule it was

Why should we unban you ?
i hope to get unband becaus al my friend are playing on the server and they are enjoying it 1 of my good friends is a cop and i will like to be a good cop to

i have been reading all the rules and now i know what i can do and what not

so i hope you will uban me :p


Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Have a look at this and update your appeal with updated information. 

 When you've edited your appeal feel free to post saying you've updated it

Can you quote me the rule that you broke and explain to me how you broke this rule and why we have this rule on our server. Put some detail in this. 


i don't remember it so well its was 2 year ago i think i robbed someone for no reason. And it Was in a safezone i guess but i didi't know it was a safezone so that's why i got band  

i don't remember it so well its was 2 year ago i think i robbed someone for no reason. And it Was in a safezone i guess but i didi't know it was a safezone so that's why i got band  
You were given a ban for 2.2 RDM/Poor Quality RP. Can you quote me these rules and explain why we have them on our server. 

that killing in the red zone is not a thing and its not just a deadmatch gamemode its RP and i know that  i didin't follow the rules but i played alot of rp now so i hope i will get an second chance and i will follow stirct the rules!!! 

Please answer the question:

"You were given a ban for 2.2 RDM/Poor Quality RP. Can you quote me these rules and explain why we have them on our server. "


The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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