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Un-ban Appeal - Sargent Bacon (TS Unban 17/11/15)

In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially was banned on.

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
they said i was trolling but i was really not trying to all i said to bob marley is i would love to sing with you then i was about to ask something after the joke it was nothinjg to be a troll i did not think of it as something that is that bad at all i fyou can understand my point of it.

Why should we unban you.
The reason you should unban me is because to me it was i joke nothing that big at all its not trolling telling a joke it not like i am playing loud music or being a nasty person to anyone all i did was say something that is got took the wrong way and i hope you get the point.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Good afternoon,

I will be handling your communication suspension from the celluar phone company of altis.

I would like input from @DI Tampaxabout this

Ah yes, I remember this like it was yesterday...

Basically, I saw Wolf (previously Bacon), waiting in the requesting staff help room. After being told by @GP bobmarley that he was trolling, I hopped up and asked if he needed help. When I got up there, he said 'Oh where am I?', began to scream for no reason, mute his microphone and pretend something had happened.

When I dragged him down to a private room to ask what happened he was changing the topic and it was just becoming a waste of time. When Bob first jumped into the channel, he said he joined the channel to sing with him... This is after I had warned Bacon at least 3 times previously that if he wasted a mentors time once more I would ban him from the team speak, you can even see it here in the mentor notes page


So Bacon,

Are you aware that these are UNPAID VOLUNTEERS who take the time out of their lives, to help people in this community. I'm all about Banter, but I can tell you that if Ram writes a note about you trolling mentors, I take it very seriously as Ram is as serious as they come.

So I'll ask you to be honest,

We're you trolling mentors, or we're you trying to be funny with mentors and it just went poorly?

As Tampi tagged me in his reply I believe I've been invited to reply, if not sorry for posting.

Bacon/Wolf was warned countless time not to join the requesting staff help to waste mentors time by Ram and Tampax, that it was even noted in the mentor database to warn other mentors of Bacon joining the help channels for no reason other than to waste mentors time. I joined the requesting staff help to see someone as "Wolf" who I believed needed help instead he asked me if I wanted to sing with him, so I just ignored him and proceeded to help an academy member who needed channel admin for the Academy rooms. At the same time I was talking to Tampax on steam asking him if Bacon is now known as Wolf, which Tampax asked me why I was wondering which I then told him that bacon only joined the requesting staff help to ask if I can sing with him. 

After I helped the academy member I was told by Tampax that Bacon was trying to make out that he was in the channel for in game issue, but when I was dragged to the channel Bacon changed his tune to "I didn't mean to ask bob to sing with me", which Tampax then banned him. I would not have mind if you sent it to me as a PM on teamspeak, but it was more that you were in requesting staff help making me think that you actually needed help

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So Bacon,

now that I have the full story from Bob Marley, you used subterfuge and changed your name in order to join a help channel to make a "joke." after a mentor had warned you previously not to do it. This was a poor decision.

You can forget the previous questions, so now is your last chance:

Why should we unban you from teamspeak?

Well know i have been told i know everyone thinks i have been trolling but as you said it was a joke gone bad i did not me to scream it was just role play in game because i smashed into a wall in my car so sorry if you think that was trolling and i have lots of people i would love to see again i was really about to ask something i may of done the trolling part to ram when i was first in i am very sorry about that tampax i know you have told me alot of times i should not i understand what you have said i really want to get back in and bob marley sorry if you think i was trolling but i was not in my mind it was just a little joke not t lead up to this So yes thats why i want one more chance and will do my hardest to stay out of bad things and make sure it will not happen again

So i Am Really Sorry​

I hope you get i was really not trying to troll at all​


And the reason i changed my name was i felt like Bacon had not such a good name to the server so i wanted to try a new name so i could try be a better person for the sever again not to troll​
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From now on the requesting help channel is for help. If you want to banter DO IT IN A PUBLIC ROOM when mentors are on duty, it's not right to mess with them.

You will be unbanned, so I will need your teamspeak ID.

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Just to reiterate before the topic is locked, if it happens again, I will personally ban Bacon for wasting our time.

No more warnings.

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After careful review, your cellular privileges have been restored. You may use the altis network again.

However, you are on notice. Any future trolling on the website/teamspeak/game will result in a ban from all ALUK services.

Unbanned on Teamspeak.

From now on the requesting help channel is for help. If you want to banter DO IT IN A PUBLIC ROOM when mentors are on duty, it's not right to mess with them.

You will be unbanned, so I will need your teamspeak ID.
as stated a million times before, any teamspeak unbans, soon as it means actually unbanning them...... DO NOT TOUCH!!!!!!!!

Can you copy and paste the ban message you get when trying to connect 

@Sargent Bacon
Can you reply with the above.
