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Un-ban Appeal - Sammy76ers - 05/02/2016 (Denid)

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Glasgow, Scotland
In-game Name
[WSC] Sammy

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Im not sure none of the staff team are on the ban reason

Reason given for your ban.
You were kicked off the game. (BattlEye: Admin Kick (Banned! Appeal At AltisLife.co.uk:False Accusations- Legal@alti))

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
It was almost a year ago but if i remember correctly i was banned for breaking NLR at the Ghost Cartel base.

Why should we unban you ?
I would first off like to apoligise to the staff team for me breaking rules i was a new player and didnt have much experience. I dont understand the "False Accusations" in my ban message originally i was banned for NLR then i tried to join the server around December 2015 and my ban message had changed to "False Accusations". But anyway the reason you should unban me is because a year ago i was a very new player to ArmA 3 and only had about 100 hours but now i nearly have 2,000 hours and i have played on many different Role-play servers. I really didnt understand the rules and i wasnt exactly a model player but now after experiencing being in big gangs and police on another server which i put many hours into i want to make a return to AltisLife.co.uk to see how it has came along over the past year.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I'm going to call management here to review this, since the ban message and what you're claiming doesn't add up

@Vladic Ka @Neo @Wilco

@Sammy76ersWell you have obviously said something about the server for us to give the legal email in your ban message.

Please take a think to what you may have been saying about the then "Altislife.co.uk".... I am also concerned you wont fit in here, Steam group: Autism Squad....

@Wilco I dont remember if i did say anything about AltisLife.co.uk as it was a long time ago of course, i hope you could let me know what i said and i could apoligise for that. Also the Steam group i dont know why i joined that to be honest i have now left the group and hope we can continue with this unban request because i have been pretty patient and not pushy at all towards any of the staff team to get me unbanned in a hurry please just consider unbanning me.

@Sammy76ersWell your going to need to have a think, How did you leave this server ... what happened etc.

The legal email being quoted is pretty serious! Where did you goto after us ?

@WilcoI left because i was banned when i was in Ghost Cartel and i broke NLR at the Ghost Cartel base... I went to GTA after ALUK but i honestly dont know why my ban reason is false accusations and i cant remember that far back as it was a while ago.

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