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Un-ban Appeal - SabreTooth - 02/01/2017 (Unbanned) - 08/02/2017


In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because I RDM'd two people who were doing a drug run. It was quite a confusion for me and I forgot a lot of the rules. I fully take responsibility for my ban though.

Why should we unban you ?
I think I should be unbanned because I apologize for RDMing and I promise to re-read through the Server's rules. It has been a lengthy amount of time since my ban and I think I have matured enough to come back to this server and give a unique roleplaying experience. Again, I fully apologize for breaking the rules and I understand that I had full responsibility in the situation.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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few questions to ask.

What have you been upto since your ban?

Also looking at your stats page you must of been playing the server for quite a while as you have around 12m in your bank. What made you "forget alot of the rules"?

@CI Busterguy

1. Mainly school and just playing on other roleplay servers, as well as playing mostly singleplayer games and counter-strike.
2. I had a while of inactivity before these events. Almost 3 months before the last few days of me playing again.
Picture of inactive time
My friends kept playing. I kind of just forgot about the rules, I played a lot of casual FPS games like Battlefield or Cod. The situation was a mess up at the time too, considering I thought my friend told the guys in the truck to put their hands up from the car. (Which is not allowed anyways.) Again, I apologize. It was my fuck up, not my friend's fault. (Even though he also got banned.) It was rather early in the morning too and I wasn't paying much attention to the game even though I knew what was going on.

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What's to say that this won't happen again? By being unbanned, you accept that we are placing a lot of faith in you to learn from your mistakes and improve in the future. If you were to find yourself feeling unsure of any rules, what would you do to help with this?


To make sure that this doesn't happen again, I'd make sure to keep myself up to date with the rules and focus more on roleplay than just personal gain in-game. I'd make sure my RP situations are a lot less fast paced and make sure that I can actually focus on the roleplay without rushing things and causing myself to break rules.

I understand that you are placing a lot of faith in me if you do decide to unban me, and I would be thankful of that.

If I were to find myself unsure of rules again, I'd make sure to go back through the rules list and read through. If still unsure, I'd ask somebody on teamspeak and see if they could help me.

Again, I apologize for messing up the situation, and I still take full responsibility for it.

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Unbanned, Dont let us down! Please refresh yourself with our rules before joining back!
