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Un-ban Appeal - Russ-Netee - 26/12/17 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
not following the rules of using a vehicle as a weapon

Why should we unban you ?
I admitted i used a helicopter to the admin as a weapon and i openly apologised to killing a team of 5+ with a helicopter as they where shooting me of the ground whilst i was claming with a friend (teaching him ho to play and how to make money) to then be told that once you get warned to put your hands up and if you dont comply then shots can be fired but for me to hear that from in the middle of the ocean and the players to be on the beach its a bit of a shouting distance i can not hear (neither could any body else) I noticed i got shot at 3 times at the point my friend jumped in the helicopter and we flown of to the processor from there we had no problem so we went of to the trader and at this point a helicopter come flying straight at us so all i done was move out the way and we had collided there chopper had fell and i lost control of mine and i had smashed into the growned to then have killed there whole team with my chopper i explained this but to then be told I've not read the rules correctly, I tried to control the helicopter but not having control i couldn't fault, after apologising multi-pull times the admin Robbie said no excuses rules are rules so from that day i got banned I have recently been on another server and im not enjoying the role-play as much as i did on your server, i have friends i play with and they all come back onto your server to when i load in they have to switch just because i done one thing wrong that i couldn't help and yes i have experience with helicopters alot more to know how to control them better so the problem wouldn't continue, all im asking is to be unbaned and you can follow or track me if i step out of line by all means you can perm ban me and that will be that but i can assure you it won't happen

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Apparently you said it was boring to bother reading the rules, isn't the unban process even more exciting wouldn't you say? 

Prove to me you've stopped finding them a bore and have actually read them, quote the rules/s you broke and explain them in your own words.

Only rule i had broken is VDM. and basically not to use any vehicle as a weapon at any time what so ever its a pure banable offence only vehicles that can be used to ram any vehicle are military one's such as strider lfrits and hunter but only to disable a vehicle of the same kind and you are not aloud to kill the passengers of the opposite car, role play is to be in play at all times  and before using a military vehicle to ram someone you must proceed with role-play until action is taken 

Please quote (copy and paste) the relevant rules as I've requested already. 

[SIZE=medium](2.1) Vehicle Deathmatch (also known as VDM) - Using any vehicle as a weapon (e.g running people over, causing explosions including while sling loading, ramming, etc), will result in you receiving a ban. Three vehicles are excluded from this, MRAPS (Ifrits, Hunters and Striders) can ram other MRAPS in order to disable them, yet not to kill the passengers. This is allowed as these vehicles are the only vehicles ingame that can withstand being rammed. Please note that you need to initiate roleplay before attempting to ram an MRAP. (Please note - MRAPS don't need to be initiated on in the redzone) This is to prevent random ramming on site. (Three minutes of chasing also constitutes initiation of MRAP and MRAP ramming).[/SIZE]

Have you actually read and understood all of our rules now?  Do you understand why we have these rules in place?

i have read all the rules and i do understand the rules, and yes i get why you have rules in play its to keep all the annoyance out of the game witch i understand at the time i was a on that level of annoyance but i can honestly say im not that person any more 

When a player is banned, that ban stays permanently on record.  That means whilst you have a good chance of being unbanned for a first offence, we're less forgiving when it comes to future rule breaks.  Keep that in mind.

I'm not impressed that you said reading the rules 'bore' you. They bore everyone, but most people understand that despite being boring, they're essential to the success of this server.  I very much hope you have indeed taken the time to read and fully understand them. 

Second chance given. Don't let yourself down.


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