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Un-ban Appeal - Nucleus (Unbanned - Final Chance)

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Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
Admin thought I RDM'd, however I only killed cops after they killed our members first. We had setup an ambush without about 7 or 8 of us, after a big firefight, about 10minutes, a cop car came down the road hitting a spike strip and crashed, this was about 100m away from my position. Then a firefight breaks out between some gang members and the police, i think 1 cop got killed and 2 of our gang members were killed, i then laid down some fire on their position and killed a cop as the firefight was already initiated. I was then immediately banned. I went on TS to ask why and the reason given was apparent RDM. Despite the cops killing our gang members that were 100m away from me, somehow this is RDM.... which i totally disagree with, otherwise i wouldnt have opened fire to defend my gang.

Why should we unban you.
Because the cops killed our gang members first and me shooting back at the cops after they killed our gang members is not RDM. I respect the rules and admire the serious role play being enforced, however I do feel wrongly banned in this instance. I hope you will unban me and acknowledge this was not RDM.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Why so long to appeal?

Was there any reinitation after this "10 minutes" from the police or your gang?

Why so long to appeal?

Was there any reinitation after this "10 minutes" from the police or your gang?
Thanks for your quick reply.

I was really annoyed that I was banned for this, in my eyes it most certainly was not RDM, at the time I'd been playing on this community's servers for 1 year and have never been banned for RDM or anything else. It just really annoyed me that I got banned for killing cops after they already killed 2 of our gang members. So I left and didn't look back. After the 4 month break now I have a friend in the Cops who says how great the RP is so I'd like to get unbanned and come back.

I don't know what happened with regards to any re-initiation or any verbal communication from the area the Police car crashed, neither from the gang or the Cops. All I knew was what I saw, the Police car crashed, and there was an engagement between our gang members on that side of the road and the Cops, then our gang members are killed along with 1 Cop, so I returned fire on the Cops and got banned. Either party, gang members or Cops would have initiated, but I cant say which side initiated. 

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Nobody from your gang initiated so me and @Liquidbanned all of the [UGN] members that killed a cop since it was full on RDM. Just because the cop killed the original rdm'er (believe it was [UGN] Mowgli) does that mean it's not your fault if you continue to kill the police when there's still been no initiation? It's down to you to know whether roleplay has been initiated with the cops before you pull the trigger.  You've also lied saying that the cop killed your friend first... that wasn't the case, the rebel killed the first police officer while he was still in his vehicle.

You then decided to give me a load of shit on teamspeak afterwards displaying your very toxic attitude.

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Thanks for your reply.

I've already stated I couldn't hear any comms from where the police car crashed and where the initial firefight broke out. Of course I thought role play had been initiated otherwise the firefight would not have started. You cant start shooting without RP being initiated. 

Calling me a liar is not appreciated nor is it appropriate. I would appreciate it if you could remain respectful and say that what I stated was incorrect, as calling me a liar implies intention to deceive, which is not the case. If one of our gang killed a cop first then thanks for correcting me.

If one of the gang members killed without RP then thats fair enough, ban him. However from my point of view I was only reacting to a situation where my gang members were being shot and killed by cops so I naturally defended us. Obviously I thought RP was initiated and my kill was justified. Ive been here long enough to know RP has to be initiated, perhaps whomever was at the car (I dont even remember their names) didn't have such experience on these servers.

I did join teamspeak and I spoke with you but my attitude was not toxic nor did I "give you a load of shit" as you eloquently portray. 

Ban whoever you want that was at the police car with the cops and who started the non-RP shootout, but for myself I was no where near the car and was only reacting to the cops killing my gang members. 

In your own words, what would you have done if you had known the player did not initate RP?

At the end of the day its a roleplay server, not a shoot guns at each server. If one gang member screws up, everyone who kills in violation is held accountable for the rules.

Unbanned for a final chance.

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