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Un-ban Appeal - noaha - 09/10/18

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Active member
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The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Nalurah Community Manager

Reason given for your ban.
think its being mad he did not say why

The Server you initially were banned on.

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
i have some friends on that server my other friend just got the game so i wanna play with him on a server im good in ( bc i have 3 mil and a good job ) and its just more fun on this server than the other servers on arma and i want to give my friend a good start on roleplay. i really regret that i had that behavior at that time. and im so mad at myself that i did that at the time and i really just have been thinking over all this ive goon through and the application i failed bc i did not know that i could not respond before they responded. and i honestly think that rpuk is the best server on arma.

Why should we unban you ?
i am tired of playing on all those boring roleplay servers and its hard for me to grind again bc i so sad that i can't play on this server and i really grinded a lot on this server and i really want to play on this server again. i was playing on this server with my friends and i have new friends that are beginning to play again some even on this server and they really want to play with me on the server and i really want to play with them too. so i just feel like i have to get in again and after this long time i haven't been able to play here i think its finally time for me to make the decision to make a new unban appeal. ps its night time for me now so i soon have to log off bc i live in Denmark and the time is different so i may not respond fast

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

So your friend got kicked off for being afk and not having a mic.
After that you went on a rant in sidechat which ended up you getting banned.

You have also been warned for breaking roleplay and at the same time threatened to combat log when transported to the prison.

Is it hard for you to follow rules ?

no sir im just not really good to remember things sometimes but i really regret what i have have done

So in a sidechat where everyone can see what yo are typing, how are you supposed to conduct yourself?

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i know that i should be respectful to people not say anything offensive and be nice to others  

You say that you are not good with remembering things, how can we trust you to follow our rules then going forward? Also how can we trust you not to have such a sudden burst of childish tantrum again? You kicked off quite a bit for such a small thing. I can only imagine what would happen if something happened directly to you..

yes you can trust me and i have learned from my lesson i know that what i have done was wrong and ill never do it again  

Yes, we get it, I've read the "it will never happen again" spiel more times than you can guess, ironically they tend to reoffend but I digress.

I don't feel you answered exactly what Sonders question was, so I re-ask:

How can we trust you, to not have a childish tantrum again?

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I have now understood that what I did was wrong I have grown up from it and learned not to flip out when stuff like this happens, so yes you can now trust me not to have a childish tantrum again

On the basis that you won't be having any more childish tantrums again, I will be unbanning you on this instance. I expect a change in attitude in-game, do not let me down.

I would also advise that you re-read all of the rules before reconnecting. Roleplay.co.uk/rules


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Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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