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Un-ban Appeal - MrLongSlong - 08/02/18 (Unbanned)

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Well-known member
Isle of Slongs
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
7.1.3 Also known as No RP

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because,
I was locking picking cars that where illegally/parked in inconvenient places while I waited for a friend to come back from the airport, During this time someone walked past me and i said " Its not what It looks like" , he proceeded to turn round and observe what I was doing, after a couple of seconds without saying anything he pulls out his gun and tells me to put my hands up, fortunately my friend was standing behind him and told him that he didn't want to do what he was about to do, during this time I had been hit by a car and stood up, only to run behind the car and pull my gun out, we spoke to the man told him he didn't want to do what he was about to do and proceeded to tell him to put his gun away and gave him a timer, I admit giving someone a count down to do something isn't a very good RP but it was still RP and seeing as though the guy initiated on me I could have just shot him dead and not given him the time to put down his gun, the individual didn't put away his gun and therefore was shot dead by me, then I quickly gave him a second to say his peace and then executed him because we where very near Kavala town centre where he could have plenty of friends that might come and finish the job he started as well as police that might try and get involved. I was then shot in the back by a random individual that wasn't involved and that has been delt with separably.

The person I killed had no problem with the fact that I killed and executed him, he didn't say anything in the blue chat and didn't seem to have any problem, He didn't report me and if he had asked me to come to teamspeak and discuss what happend I would have politely accepted and I'm sure although I'n my opinion I did nothing wrong I would have compensated him as he didn't really understand what was going on, Its all well me saying this but seeing as though he had no problem with the way I killed him this didn't happen.

It was only when I was reporting the man that killed me who wasn't involved when I showed video evidence ( linked below ) was when Clarity banned me for "No Rp".

Link to report: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/100767-report-a-player-mdc-proxy-smoxy-rdm-action-taken/
Link to evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP7litoBWos&feature=youtu.be

Why should we unban you ?
You should unban me because I do not believe that I broke any rules in that engagement, the man initiated on me and I had the right to defend myself with lethal force, I didn't have to give him the time to put his gun down I could have shot him dead seeing as though he initiated on me, but I gave him the time to comply which he didn't and therefore met his demise, as I say he didn't have any problem with the way I killed him and I would have been very happy to compensate him if he felt that it was unfair.

I respect the rules and understand why they are in place first hand, I have first hand experience dealing with rule breakers and have gone through the necessary procedures in order to get justice, I always give good RP and as you can see in the video I made up the story that I had lost my keys in order to make it interesting for the individual.

But I do also understand how my actions in the video can be persevered as negative but I assure you they did not have bad intent, I also try my best to give the best RP and I except the fact that day I did not show the greatest RP but I did show a form of RP contrary to what the ban stated "No RP".

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I do not believe that I broke any rules in that engagement,

There was much more potential for roleplay in the situation, however you opted for the route of giving the player a countdown. It's not the best roleplay as you've stated and is clearly better than straight up gunning him down ( which would have been RDM ) however it's still not up to scratch.

The instant execution was utter shite in my opinion, there was far more opportunity to interact than shooting him in the head immediately.. 

There was much more potential for roleplay in the situation, however you opted for the route of giving the player a countdown. It's not the best roleplay as you've stated and is clearly better than straight up gunning him down ( which would have been RDM ) however it's still not up to scratch.

The instant execution was utter shite in my opinion, there was far more opportunity to interact than shooting him in the head immediately.. 
I understand and agree there was a lot more potential for roleplay in that situation, I opted for the quickest option to try and resolve the situation, which might not have been the most effective agreed , as you can see in the video my intent at first was not to kill the man, I simply wanted to  roleplay with him a bit about losing my keys etc, he pulled his gun out first and opted for this situation he was met with the same quality roleplay he gave me , which I understand is not any better or an excuse ,but at the time I did not believe that I had broken any of the rules, nor do I believe the individual that I killed thought I broke the rules, Since the incident occurred I have actively tried to contact the individual I killed in order to mainly apologise for my actions, offer to compensate the individual, and to gather his opinion on the situation.

As well as this "Executing another player must also be carried out with high quality roleplay, the only exception to this rule is if both you and the victim are engaged in a gunfight together."  I agree the instant execution was shite and I am not arguing that it wasn't but as it states in the rules "the only exception to this rule is if both you and the victim are engaged in a gunfight together" which we both were in an active gunfight and taking into account the area of which this happend arguably the most populated part of the island he could have had friends anywhere and also could have had police already on there way from him calling them before the situation occurred.

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so what have you learned from this? 
And what will you do different next time? 

so what have you learned from this? 
And what will you do different next time? 
@Jefke V

If there is a next time i have larnred.

to always provide the highest quality role play in every situation no excuse for poor role play is tolerated , this is because only the best roleplay is fun for most people and therefore ruining the experience for other if you do not participate.

Next time I would continue my roleplay with the individual without getting out my gun, for all I know that might have been his car that I was lock picking and all he wanted to do was move it but he had a different way of saying that and I can understand that as if I where in his situation I don't know what I would have done.

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