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Un-ban Appeal - MintyFresh (Unbanned)

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Suffolk, England
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Poor/Low Quality RP

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I was with my friends, Luke and Aplha_Phill. I was just with them trying to make some money not really saying much when my friend Luke started swearing and shouting at these 2 guys. 1 guy hit us all in the head and ran away while me and my friends go up and unholstered our weapons. my friend Luke was killed while me and alpha moved into cover, I mostly stayed in cover while alpha carried on shooting until the guy who knocked us out ran away. The medic came and revived our friend Luke but admittedly he started breaking RP by talking about what happened straight away. A while after this Luke saw the guys who knocked us out and started metagaming and talking about the situation which after being killed he clearly shouldn't talk about.

Why should we unban you.
I wasn't involved in any of the rule breaking, I think it was because I was there with my friends who were clearly breaking rules.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Actually I reviewed all the vidoes again. You were in the first video and second video after he ran away from the area and changed clothing. You did agree with your friend, and I heard you tell the cops about it being them. Although your friends violations were more deliberate, did you try to use proper roleplay to tell the cops it was him, or just agreeing with your friend who had done metagaming?

I messaged the guy who filed the report and he had a chat about what happened, he replied with this:

Hello there,

Sorry you got named in that case. Your side of the story matches, I have rewatched all video's and it seems you actually were not breaking RP yourself. I have replied (and hidden, since I am not supposed to reply at all, rules be rules) to your unban appeal. Admins can still see the hidden reply and will review it accordingly.

My post:

For admin reviewing;

Having rewatched the entire video's, I cannot see him actually saying anything. The other two definitely did, and since they were together all the time, he ended up on the report as well. In hindsight and seeing the fact this gentleman took the time to message me about the situation (after the report was actioned), it is likely that he did not break any rules himself.

If his unban could be processed and wiped of his record, that seems like the fairest option here.


Once again sorry, I was just trying to get rid of the metagamers.. It's hard to recognize exactly who says what, since I train myself to not look at the names. Make sure your friends read the rules if they appeal their bans. They have all right to and in all fairness: I want everyone to enjoy ALUK and not be banned, so they need to know the rules =). I hope this gets sorted soon so you can do your medic interview. If needed, tell them to come to me so I can confirm you did not metagame yourself and took the time to approach me and explain yourself (*which I highly appreciate).


Again I ask did you just agree with your friend who was metagaming saying it was him, or were you trying to roleplay with the police officer at the time. 

I try my best to roleplay when i can. I was telling Luke to stop in TS and I did agree with him at one point but it was because i forgot he had died, after that i started to agree with the guy who reported us.


Although it's a violation, I will mark here that this is not to be held against you in case of any future violations.

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