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Un-ban Appeal - Matt Noble (Unbanned)

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In-game Name
Matt Noble

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
Well I was lockpicking a truck but since when was lock picking an offence that could get you banned?

Why should we unban you.
because I didn't break any rules, and if it's a new rule, it's my first offence, but how can it be a rule when lockpicks are sold and skills are associated with it

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Lockpicking in GZ

2016-02-06 23:17:31

Are the notes on your ban, you were banned for doing it in a greenzone, and its always been a rule.

Also your steam number is:  76561198081442623

Did you read the rules before joining our server?

No not before joining the server, It's the first Altis server I have been on. I did recently read through some of it, but I didn't realize lock picking in a green zone was an offense and hadn't reached that part yet. If I had been pulled aside to TS and told it's against the rules I would have stopped.

Second chance would be nice, not everyone will know the rules 100% right away. I stuck to the main rules, no RDM, VDM, no breaking RP etc.

When you start on our server there is a splash welcome screen that has clickable link to the the rules. It even says you should read them?

Any reason why?

I said I read them, just not all of them. I'm human, I skimmed through the rules.

Considering I only see people getting arrested for lock picking I didn't think I had much else to read. It didn't seem to be an issue either when I made two attempts to pick lock a police vehicle to get a constable out of the car, as his colleague driving the vehicle had either disconnected or been killed. When I got him out he cleared my bounty and that was that.

Well it's up to you, it's a first time offence, It's not like I went on a rampage in Kavala, killing everyone I saw and ruining the game for everyone, I was just trying to bring some attention to myself from either the owner or the police for a bit of RP. I'm sorry.

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In your own words explain the safezone rules

Well I've read the greezone rules now.

Don't kill in green zone

don't rob or knockout

don't lockpick or steal vehicles

if in active combat zone, dont run to green zone for safety

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Follow the rules going forward 


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