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Un-ban Appeal - LastNickLeft1_UNBAN - 02/07/19

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
1.6 Requested Ban (original ban)

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Multiple things, my initial Community Ban was issued to me as requested after a conversation with Wilco, as I was accused multiple times of advertising for my server, which didn't exist at the time.

After these events, I was banned permanently because another member of the community has edited a screenshot of a conversation between myself and Wilco, making it look that he wrote some evil things about children with cancer. I've had nothing to do with this, had no knowledge of it and found out about it only after I was banned and he approached me about it.

Now, here comes the important part. These are the main reasons why I haven't been allowed back and until now not allowed to appeal, which is understandable due to the nature of what I've done back then.

Ban evading by making multiple new forum accounts.

Using Wilco's real name in a headline post on other community's home page.

Registering an offensive domain and putting up an Arma 3 server that was understandably perceived as an attack on this community.

Making and sharing offensive imagery related to RPUK.

Making a "1.6 Squad" group on community's forums that involved multiple banned members from RPUK.

Why should we unban you ?
I honestly miss the people here, prior to the events that started off with the advertising accusations I believe I was a good and active member of this community for almost 2 years and over thousand hours in the game, I loved making videos from here, spent hours upon hours working on Police documents and making competitions and giveaways for other community members. I used to spend my free time here, with people that I really liked and some of the friendships I've gained here grew beyond Arma. Never banned prior.

For context, about a month prior to these events I got into texturing for Arma and eventually met two others who were working on their server back then. I agreed to help and started making textures and getting involved. It was not meant to be my server, it was something the two were working on for a while, without the intent of actually making a community.

The closest thing to advertising that has ever happened was one of the members working on that put up an Attack and Defend (up to 30 players) server hosting I've paid for.

I've spent hours making my staff application and a video to come with it, I was working on a new UNMC uniform.. then I received a warning point for advertising... A warning point for something I have not done in the slightest. I was upset, salty and pissed off.

It felt like an insult, a stain on my good name within the community, to which I've reacted emotionally, irrationally and immaturely. After receiving more warnings about my alleged advertising, I've decided to leave. I asked Wilco to ban me, so we can avoid the drama... both of us and I took over works on the other server from the original owner and started working on it fully. Even now, after almost two years, I stand by the fact that I've never advertised, never pursued getting people from here to come over, and everyone that ever approached me about getting involved was warned about the possible consequences of their involvement. I, however, do understand how much this community means to all of you, and you will do anything to protect it... in the end, I was just one of over 50 000 members.

From here on I was salty, I felt wronged and had a personal grudge against Wilco, I felt like he took away the last two years on this great community from me, it felt personal. I've made a post against him, using his personal name as I was upset he treated the people that decided to come and join my community, but as I said, he just wanted to protect the community. Using his name is something I shouldn't have done, as privacy is paramount, especially in an online community like this. I apologise, it was a split second decision, and I shouldn't have done that. I have however not edited or known about the edited messages, I do stand by that.

I don't want you to have to read a book on why you should unban me, so let's narrow it down from here.

I've done a lot of bad things, made a lot of regrettable and sometimes outright stupid decisions and evil decisions. My behaviour was also affected by the people that I spent my time with at the time if you make a server people will come, sometimes people that were permanently removed from this community, for good reasons. Some people had feelings towards this community that matched my spite at the time, and I've done and said things that I would not normally do. I take full responsibility for my actions though. I was too much into Altis Life, spending all my free time here, and things that were pointless seemed like a big deal to me, I was addicted and it was almost like my second life, it felt important.

It's over a year and a half now since my initial ban, I have since moved on, from Arma, from the people I used to play with.. good and bad, from my anger and childish behaviour in regards to these petty situations.

It's a game, and this community has a lot of amazing and dedicated people around it. These people are here to have fun, relax and shouldn't be involved in any drama as I have made. No one needs that, and I don't need it. I'm 23, not 15 and should behave like an adult in situations like that.

I apologise to any member of this community, and to the people that run it and manage it for my actions. It was completely unnecessary and immature.

I'm asking for the opportunity to rejoin this community to be able to share and enjoy the experiences, fun and happiness Altis Life brings to us all, just like I did for the two years I've spent as a member of this community before the ban.

Thank you for taking your time and the opportunity to appeal here.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Although your appeal has been Denied, please give the rules a thorough read here.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


Hi @LastNickLeft1_UNBAN

This needs to be in perm appeals. 


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