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Un-ban Appeal - LassioX1337 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Droge Worst

Reason given for your ban.
VDM - Vehicle Deathmatch

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I was in Kavala with my friend driving a red offroad. I were on the edge of the brigde (The concrete fence). And the clan come to us (Don't remeber waht clan, but Droge Worst was in it). I had 2 tires on the fence. And i drove down. I drove over 1 or 2 of them (They were 3). And the shot our tires. So we ran away but they caught me. My friend ran up to a house behind me. They ziptied me, and asked where my friend was. And if I didn't say that they would kill me. I dind't say that because i tried to cover my friend from getting killed. Little later they ran into that house he was in. My friend said if they walked up the stairs he would shoot him/they. 1 did go up, He died. Another tried to go up. He killd my friend (ZeaK) And they come back out and killed me. Of course I've drove others my mistake. And i asked them if they were okey after.

Why should we unban you.
Because I really like the server. I did a mistake, I drove over 2 People while i was chased by 3 guys. (I drove over 2 of 3 guys). I relly want to play Arma III Roleplay on this server. There isn't any other good servers in Arma III like this server. Personaly I like to Roleplay and be as serious I can. I know i did a mistake and it won't happen again

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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You replied to the banning admin "They are in the way"

You don't run people over because they're in the way. Now in detail explain the VDM rule.

Explain the VDM rule. 
VDM - Vehicle Death Match.

VDM means that you destroying other cars with your own car. So the car breaks. YOu can also run people over. You'll get banned from doing that!

You are allowed to immobilize MRAPZ, You are only allowed to immobilize MRAP if you are in a MRAP to. Some of vehicles in the game can't explode by touching each others. If you using a weapon or another car you'll get banned!


Now do you understand that you can't run people over just because they are in the way?

You will be unbanned for a final chance here. Don't blow it 


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