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Un-ban Appeal - kursaalflyer - 10/07/2017 (Unbanned)

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Essex UK
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
none given only combatlog & kick notification

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Avoiding a request to be questioned and driving away when threatened my truck windows will be smashed by Deleter

Why should we unban you ?
I have tried numerous attempts (around 12 or 13 times in 3 weeks since arriving at Altis) in developing a business i.e. copper mining, clam and pearls, diamond and oil mining...all of which I have encoutered by robbery of vehicles, including a helicopter, valuable commodities and cash - all totalling around 0 000 or more. Having to startover each time with buying basic essentials, equipment and vehicles again & again I grew tired of being LEGAL and became ILLEGAL in frustration i.e. wanted for 5 garage robberies - not person...as it seems to be the norm to do this and gain vast amounts of money!! I endeavered to start CLEAN again and was on my way to successfully bank 0000 worth of 1st extraction OIL money when I stopped by police for no reason in my truck..minding my own business...no tag displayed....driving a back road to avoid robbery. Knowing I was wanted and would lose my truck (impounded or scrapped) land unbanked 0 000 yet again!! I decided not to cooperate and basically...make a run for it. Thus, my appeal for an unban will rely upon my reinstatement to continue my oil mining business and any other businesses I hope to develop to make a positive contribution to the community of Altis. I would gladly surrender myself at Kavala Police Station to serve prison time for said offences so that I can start-over and remain a clean and legal citizen. I rest my case. DeepFry

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Why should we unban you ?
I have tried numerous attempts (around 12 or 13 times in 3 weeks since arriving at Altis) in developing a business i.e. copper mining, clam and pearls, diamond and oil mining...all of which I have encoutered by robbery of vehicles, including a helicopter, valuable commodities and cash - all totalling around 0 000 or more. Having to startover each time with buying basic essentials, equipment and vehicles again & again I grew tired of being LEGAL and became ILLEGAL in frustration i.e. wanted for 5 garage robberies - not person...as it seems to be the norm to do this and gain vast amounts of money!! I endeavered to start CLEAN again and was on my way to successfully bank 0000 worth of 1st extraction OIL money when I stopped by police for no reason in my truck..minding my own business...no tag displayed....driving a back road to avoid robbery. Knowing I was wanted and would lose my truck (impounded or scrapped) land unbanked 0 000 yet again!! I decided not to cooperate and basically...make a run for it. Thus, my appeal for an unban will rely upon my reinstatement to continue my oil mining business and any other businesses I hope to develop to make a positive contribution to the community of Altis. I would gladly surrender myself at Kavala Police Station to serve prison time for said offences so that I can start-over and remain a clean and legal citizen. I rest my case. DeepFry
this is totally irrelevant to the question why should we unban you. 

So i gonna give you one more chance. 

Why should we unban you? 

 I want to progress with developing  businesses and to contribute as a  successful member of the community. I have learned my lesson that crime doesn't pay and my actions of disrespecting law enforcement officers have led to my banning. Therefore, I shall cooperate with Altis law enforcement in future and respect all other roleplay scenarios as it occurs by closely following  the rules and actively playing a positive role for an enjoyable experience.

(2.1) Vehicle Deathmatch (also known as VDM) - Using any vehicle as a weapon .

I was attempting to evade more questioning by a law enforcement officer whilst driving my truck - making contact with a police vehicle /officer  after initial roadside questioning.

"... I stopped by police for no reason in my truck...minding my own business...no tag displayed...driving a back road to avoid robbery... knowing I was wanted and would lose my truck (impounded or scrapped) and unbanked $300 000 from oli mining .... I decided not to cooperate and basically made a run for it. "

SEE : Original statement 07102017

This action was the direct result of being robbed 12 times in only 2-3 weeks of joining the server (vehicles, including a helicopter, valuable commodities and cash to value of $800.000/ ORIGINAL STATEMENT 07102017)  I did not expect such a  high crime rate for a supposedly friendly community , my first online roleplay experience! 

So you seem to be justifying your rule breaking because it was away to avoid losing money, do you think it's acceptable to break rules to protect your items, money or goods?

Sure we're a friendly community but on the server people are free to roleplay whatever they wish as long as it falls within the rules.

When is it acceptable to hit someone or another vehicle with your own vehicle?

I am not justifying my action at all - I am purely stating the scenario as it was.  Being robbed by children who are 'gun-happy' does not seem to fall within the

"  ...An adult community and we expect every user to show respect to each other..:

...as stated in the rules.

This is my first roleplay website I have joined and had become sick and tired of being robbed every session at some point - legal or not - when all I want to do is to build a business up which I have tried numerous  times, but at each critical time as  I attempt pay in money  or process my commodities, somebody  or  gang is waiting to deprive me of it. That to me..is not a friendly community?  

The answer to your question : When is it acceptable to hit someone or another vehicle with your own vehicle?

My answer is  - Never... it is not acceptable. My actions were unacceptable. I shall not use any vehicle  as a means of violence against any member  or  property in future. I just want to go about my business to develop and progress successful  enterprises both  financially and socially.

Good, So you know that if you do it again you wont get un-banned for it! Glad that was cleared up in so many words.

Make sure you are aware of our other rules before rejoining the server, You have now learnt that there is no valid excuses for breaking them.


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