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Un-ban Appeal - Kennedy Jones - 07/21/2016 (Unbanned)

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Criminal Island
In-game Name
Kennedy Jones

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Because you Admin's think that i glitched by my self but i didnt do that or it was my mouse because its broken or my character its 1 of the 2 man.

Why should we unban you ?
Hello Admins, I was not glitching on my self. I didnt do that with my hands and shit. My character glitched out and shot till my mag was empty because a cop restrained me WHILE i was shooting thats why my character glitched i think. It can be that its my mouse fault maybe because my mouse is a little bit broken too but i dont know which of the 2 it is. I really dont lie i dont know if you guys are gonna believe me but just think why would i shoot a cop if he restrains me and when i know that i cant shoot when i am restrained and i read all the rules and know what is gonna happen. You cant give me a good answer right? I know you cant because it wasnt deliberately. I dont know why that just happend. I talked to the officer too on TS he told me that i would get a warning cuz it was a miscommunication you know so i thought it will be okay because i did nothing you know thats why man. The officer even gave me credit for it man. He wouldnt even reported me but his leader from the cop force told him to do thats why he reported me. Admin's i hope you guys believe me because i dont deserve this ban you know what i mean. And if i say glitched its glitched so it doesnt matter how many oppurtunitys i had because my character is glitched do you know what i mean? still if the officer knocked me out twice my character its glitched so it will stop when it wants the stop and the moment for the glitch to stop when the mag was empty cuz it was shooting with a gun. I hope you guys will unban me soon. Thats what i wanna say for today.

I hope you guys take a good decision and what you wanna do and have a nice day.

-RIP Me for now :(

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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What a load of bull... what about you continually jumping out the car while restrained? If I was you I would start telling to truth before I deny this appeal.

Hello Admin, 

I swear to god it is not any bullshit you think i am talking about admin. And that things with jumping out the car was seen as RP for me (some of them than). For a example i jumped out once when the car was stopped and it wasnt locked by the officer yet so i jumped out like with RP that the car was left open. And the other times i guess it was breaking rules. I am really sorry for what i did and i know you guys are probably gonna think this guy is just saying so much bullshit to get back in the server and break more rules and shit. But NO i am actually not that guy what you guys think i am. Everyone can make fault admins and i know you guys gonna say we warned you before playing the server to read the rules, Yes i know and i did like instantly. But you know sometimes things can happen nobody is perfect you can make faults or forget rules and then remember them back when you got banned. But on this part with the car it was my fault i am saying the truth. The one time i jumped out when i was restrained and the car was stopped i saw that like in RP i am not sure if it was still rule breaking it didnt seem like it for me at least but i am sorry if it was and now i know than you still cant do that if the car is left open. And the other times it was rule breaking i guess but on the moment when that happend i wasnt thinking that if i go out of the car when he is driving its rule breaking because you cant do that if a car is driving than you die in reallife and so needs to be in Altis but i didnt think about that on that moment i was in, only thing what i was thinking of is i wanna escape this police and go further with playing with my friends. Not the whole video is like on the youtube video only the time i jumped out when it was driving but ones i jumped out when the car wasnt locked and when it wasnt driving. I even read the rules again for to make sure and not make this fault again. I hope you guys believe me and i am really not bullshitting. And btw you guys should fix the glitchy thing with the restrain shit that the gun doesnt come in the hands when you are standing up if you are restrained, because if i really dont get a unban now than its just fucked up than its like i got banned for something thats not my fault (with the restrain thing).

Final: I broke a rule on the video with the car while it was driving when i got out. And i didnt broke a rule when the car was stopped and not locked when i got out i saw that like RP for me than if it was breaking rules than i know that you still cant do that than. I am sorry and i now learned from my fault i really mean it and if you guys give me any chance to get back in Altis Life i would love, to show you guys how i am not breaking the rules.

You did break the rules, it's not RP in the slightest.... quote the rule you broke via the rules page 

(2.4) Using any exploits such as looting dead bodies, duplication of items or money, Anti-VDM script abuse, abusing the Bounty hunter system to exploit money from the wanted system, using the ‘Flip Vehicle’ feature outside of it’s intended purpose, transferring / processing items through walls. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not be abused in the future.

(2.8) Threats to report / disputes / Breaking RP in Voice. There are so many people on the server with all different points of view and disputes and disagreements are all part of the game, however please do not discuss them in-game also do not break RP in voice. For example if someone has RDM’ed you discussing this on the server or saying “I am going to report you” is not allowed. Please use the forums or teamspeak to report or discuss only (Punishment is a ban) Exception: You may contact someone using the text system if they are not on teamspeak or on the forums. Please only attempt to make this contact in effort to resolve the issue, not to antagonise the other player/users/members.

That's i think the rules i broke, because i was glitching thats like the same with exploiting so thats i think what it is. And i broke RP too so that second rule fits a bit to me with breaking RP but from now on i will think 3 times before i do something or say. I am really sorry everybody can make faults i hope you give me a chance to get back in Altis.

I'm going to put this down to user error. Follow the rules going forward. We will be watching you.


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