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Un-ban Appeal - JosefZ - 04/29/2017 (Unbanned)

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New member
In-game Name

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The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Body Gltiching

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because of my incompetent actions. I was unmature, had a lack of respect for the rules. At this point, which was about 2 years ago, you weren't allowed to loot bodies, and you technically couldnt. Well as stupid as i was, i tried to do it anyways and found some form of way around the script that didn't let you loot the bodies. I decided to abuse this since i was young and stupid. And after looting a few bodies i was banned, which is completely fair. I broke the rules and i was punished

Why should we unban you ?
Ive been banned for about 2 years, ive grown up, learned from my mistakes and ive learned to respect rules and procedures. This server might be the best Roleplay server where the main language is English. Servers like these are hard to find these days, and its such a shame that i was stupid enough to get myself banned. I respect the staff team for doing their tasks and i fully understand why i was banned, but I supposed that i deserve another chance after all these years. Kind Regards,

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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You have been banned for 2 years now, what have you been up 2 and have properly read the rules? 

Quote me 4 random rules and explain them

For the past 2 years, ive been learning, improving and understanding the concept of Roleplay. Ive playing on a quite a few popoular Roleplay servers, just to find the perfect one. After looking over Roleplay.co.uk i realised how stupid i was to break the rules. I have read them and understood them.

1. (1.3) Swearing at someone outside of roleplay is not tolerated and will be punished by a ban. - Calling someone an idiot or prick and so on, in for example teamspeak is an example of breaking this rule. So when you are out of roleplay you are not allowed to curse or swear at someone. Obviously if you are friends and both are having a laugh, then its a different story.

2. (2.1) Vehicle Deathmatch (also known as VDM) - Using your vehicle as a weapon (e.g running people over, causing explosions, ramming, etc), will result in you receiving a ban. Three vehicles are excluded from this, MRAPS (Ifrits, Hunters and Striders) can ram other MRAPS in order to disable them, yet not to kill the passengers. This is allowed as these vehicles are the only vehicles ingame that can withstand being rammed. Please note that you need to initiate roleplay before attempting to ram an MRAP. (Please note - MRAPS don't need to be initiated on in the redzone) This is to prevent random ramming on site. (Three minutes of chasing also constitutes initiation of MRAP and MRAP ramming). - VDM, one of the most common major rules on any roleplay server. In this case it stands for Vehicle Deathmatch. using your car, heli boat and so on to cause an explosion, driving someone over, ramming and so on. There is a exception for Hunter, ifrits are allowed to ram eachother with the goal to disable them and not to cause a explosion or kill someone. Initiation is still required, this is to prevent random hunters to ram random ifrits for no reason.

3. (2.6) Combat storing, such as storing a vehicle whilst you are being chased or to prevent roleplay will result in a permanent ban. - This rule like any other rule here is common sense. You cant store your car while being initiated on by police (Chased), or by someone else.  It wouldnt make sense if your cars just poofs away, while someone is chasing you.

4. (2.10) Idling We have one of the busiest Roleplay communities in Europe therefore, if you need to go to the shops or go away from your PC for more than 5 minutes then please kindly disconnect from the server. - Since the Server is so crowded and popular, there are a lot of people trying to join it each day, if noone where to disconnect there would be no space in it. Thats why if you go away for more than five minutes it would be appreciated if you would kindly leave and then join back when you are back.

If you have any more questions for me feel free, but id rather talk than write, i feel like its an easier why of explaining certain stuff. Kind regards,

No more talking or writing needed.

You have been banned for two years, the rule you broke did not bring harm to our community on a whole. I am pleased to say you have been unbanned as of 05/05/2017

Welcome back, please make sure your confident on our rules before joining our servers, Enjoy! 

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