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Un-ban Appeal - John556 - 13/11/17 (Unbanned)

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New member
In-game Name
TF l jamsta

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
From what I've heard I got banned because I facepalmed a post made by wilco over a year ago.

Why should we unban you ?
Me and my mate was browsing old gang post's and talking about what gang we were in and so on, I put down 2 reaction's in total one love heart one facepalm. I don't see anything wrong with this at all and because of this I got 1.6'd, I feel like this is a really unjustified ban and I didnt do anything that I should've been banned for. I feel like this is really abusing your power as an owner and if this ban is accepted by the community this isnt for me, I have over 900+ hours on the server ingame for over soon 2 years.

How can members of this communty feel safe about browsning post's and reacting to them when the owner can ban you for it without any valid reason what so ever. Im only making this unban appeal because I still have faith in it. I talked with admins already and they said that only Wilco can do anyhting about this and that I will most likely never get unbanned. This is pathetic.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

A member of the staff team advised you to come back after 6 months... about 20 mins after this I see you facepalming a blanket ban post I did months ago, something trolls do.

As for the bollocks about me being an owner (there isnt a owner) and abusing power and members of this community feeling safe, I am in my position still because I do nothing but keep this community safe and steer it in the right direction along with the management team who take alot of shit daily so not sure where you are going with that one.

If you've been banned from the server just wait 6 months like suggested and post an appeal rather than going around with silly reactions on serious posts, It really is that simple!

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It appears looking into your forum account further I have made a rare mistake here.

Our team was dealing with an unban request from "Jammalcammal" who was denied then shortly after your account "JamstathaHamsta" reacted on a disbanded post that was age old and of course as you would know a very serious situation so apologizes for that it appears a mistake was made on this occasion.

I have unbanned your main forum account and game account, I must say I do not appreciate how you have approached this appeal, Not sure what you have "heard" but you should never approach an unban appeal on that.

Any staff member would of verified the ban reason via Battlemetrics:


We do not ban people on reactions alone unless of course there are other factors at play and in this case I believed there was (someone who is permanently banned with a similar name)


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