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Un-ban Appeal - JamesMiller - 25/11/18

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In-game Name
James Miller

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Banned under 2.1 and 2.2

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Because I VDM'ed and RDM'ed a civilian.

Why should we unban you ?
I like to play on this server and I broke the rules by mistake. I can give quality roleplay to this server now.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Last Appeal

I'm truly sorry for the situation that I caused to the player and the server. That is not the way I usually roleplay. I'm more familiar to the way this server works now and I would like to be unbanned because I can be a better player now.

Also can you please be a little bit more respectful? It always sounds like you are a little bit arrogant towards me.

I'm truly sorry for the situation that I caused to the player and the server. That is not the way I usually roleplay. I'm more familiar to the way this server works now and I would like to be unbanned because I can be a better player now.
i ask for more effort, and you extend it with one sentence. 
is it that hard for you to do something, we ask? 


Also can you please be a little bit more respectful? It always sounds like you are a little bit arrogant towards me.
also i do fail to see how my last response was disrespectfull and arrogant.  
if you already have issues with that, Then i am afraid the internet is not the place you wanna be. 

Now i gonna give you one last chance to actually show us, that you want to be unbanned. 
All i ask is effort on why we should unban you.

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Can someone else but @Jefke V review this case please? I saw other unban appeals that had the same or less reasons and no one said that they needed another one. I just want another opinion.

if you already have issues with that, Then i am afraid the internet is not the place you wanna be. 
So you are saying you can be disrespectful because you’re on the internet? You are a staff member. I don’t see how arrogance is a quality trait in a staff member but ok.

@JamesMiller - it is not our policy to enable people to 'shop around' for staff-members to hear their unban appeal case. In any event, it would do you no good. Worst case, you'd end up with me, or another member of management... and trust me, if you think the staff are arrogant, I have some surprises in store for you.

Your 'appeal' - such as it is - shows an absolute bare minimum of effort put into it in order to secure your 'release'. In the section where most normal people respond fully and give some background, some details, and (most importantly) show some remorse and prove their new-found understanding of the reason that their actions were flawed, you've put, quite simply:

I like to play on this server and I broke the rules by mistake. I can give quality roleplay to this server now.
Let's break that bullshit down, shall we?

You like to play on this server. Great. I'm happy for you. However, that fact that you are a rulebreaker makes the reverse quite untrue. We do not like having you play on this server whilst you may still be in that rulebreaker frame of mind. Therefore, the fact you like it here has NO BEARING WHATSOEVER on the question posed in this section, which was Why should we unban you ?

You broke the rules by mistake. Well, that is good to know, but it doesn't really tell us you're not going to make that mistake again, does it? Obviously, to put "I broke the rules deliberately" would be the mark of an idiot, but I guess if they did so in order to be truthful and complete, and then went on to explain why they've changed, and what made them realise, I'd possibly still consider their rehabilitation an option, even if they were initially a dick or a troll. So, aside from just informing us that you were careless, didn't read the rules before joining (as advised in the load-screen to the mission itself, and within the Map screen), and that you recognise your own shortcomings here, your 'confession' doesn't really give us a great deal to work with, see? You messed up by mistake. Fine. How do we know you're not going to mess up again?

You can give quality roleplay to this server now. Really? How come? Someone give you lessons? Did you have a dream about this and suddenly find you'd worked out how to not make mistakes? Did a fairy-godmother appear in your kitchen and tell you that you will be unbanned and go to the ball, after all? In all seriousness, where is even the slightest shred of evidence that you have learned one iota from your past mistake? Are we supposed to just take your word for it? "immabegoodnowboss" - yeah, right! Like we'd believe that. You've not said one word to us that would indicate you have really read the rules. You have not said one word to us that indicates you regret your actions. You've not indicated any understanding of the effect your 'mistake' has had on the other players whose games you messed up, or the time and efforts wasted by staff and those players, to compensate them and reinstate all their lost gear.

Bare minimum appeals get treated like the empty promises they are, and are derided by our staff with my FULL SUPPORT. If people don't care enough to try, we don't want 'em here! It's that simple. If they can't even think of a decent explanation for their ban appeal, what hope do they have for actually coming up with any high-quality roleplay? Hell, I have a side-bet already that you're either just going to walk away whining about how 'the admins here are Nazis' or that if we let you back in you'll probably fuck up again inside a week and be banned for another rule you didn't bother to read. 

I have THOUSANDS of muppets whose virtual skulls adorn my office walls, along with their one-liner unban appeals. We get them every day. Some of them are at least FUNNY. Yours wasn't even long enough to be boring. Like this is, I expect.

I appreciate that on your SECOND post, you went into a little more detail, and it was probably, by then, clear to you what Jefke actually expected to have received from you in your FIRST post... but you had to go and whine about him being a bit 'arrogant', didn't you? And then you whined harder another time, when he came back unimpressed with the fact that your 'little more detail' was indeed just that - a very little more. 

In your second whine, you played the 'other people had it easier than me' card. Epic fail. Trigger me hard, why not?  What other people may or may not have written on their ban appeals has absolutely fuck all with how YOUR ban appeal will go down, and to point to other people's cases as a way of attempting to distract from your own mistakes merely serves to show us how vapid and hollow your promises might actually be - so they need testing - assuming you even make them properly in the first place, which you haven't.

I mean, what is wrong with you? You're a guest here. You want to play here. You fucked up. You need to atone for that fuck up, or you will never be invited back to the party. You need to recognise that all the staff - and me - are your fairy godmothers, and we alone decide whether you can go to the ball, or the wall.

Which is it to be? The carriage turns back into a pumpkin at midnight tonight. If you want to play here, and experience the fun everyone else is talking about and enjoying, then you need to pull your finger out of your ass and stop being such a whiny dick. Stick your chest out and your chin up, and show the staff that you give a shit, that you care, that you can try, that you understand what you did wrong, and that you're sorry for it. Hell, grovel some; it won't hurt.

@Jefke V has my full authority to extend your ban at will, if he's not had a decent, non-whiny, non-blame-shifting response from you by midnight UK time tonight. I see no reason why he should have to waste his time trying to coax every bit of explanation or remorse out of you. Your job to prove you're worth a reprieve; not his job to have to fish it out of you.

There's your 'second opinion'. And I know you're thinking it's arrogant. That's not arrogance; that's ownership, and a lifetime of experience dealing with 'bare-minimum' types like you're showing everyone that you are right now. Deal with it, or you know where the door is. Prove us wrong, step up to the mark, and you'll be welcomed.

Clock is ticking...

As stated on the last threads, I did not VDM on my screen. It was a desync issue, something that I could have predicted because it's common on Arma 3 and yet I didn't. Also, I do not have a valid reason to justify the RDM. I was not familiar with the rules by then because I didn't read them. I thought it would be the same as any other server. I do recognize that this situation is on me. At the time I didn't even had an account on the forums.

I do think I'm fit to play again on this server because I know how to roleplay properly to this community standards and rules. I do acknowledge the time and effort that I made both player and staff waste. As said above, I'm truly sorry about the situation that I caused. I didn't meant to cause such harm but unfortunately due to my misinformation caused by myself, I did screwed up.

I was never banned on a server before, I always try to roleplay to the best of my abilities. I'm not another player that says bullshit to try to get away with this actions (even if you think I did there by saying that Jefke was arrogant). If I get to play on this server you can be sure I won't fuck up again. There wasn't even supposed to be a first time. I don't like to break rules but, as I said above, I did.

And I do like to play on this server because it's balanced and well maintained. On other communities I get shot on spawn and out of the nowhere. I can't say the same of this server. That is why I understand the frustration that the player felt. I was one of the things that I hate the most. Still, it was NOT my intention.

If you don't accept this as a answer to Why should we unban you ? then I don't really know how I could make it better.

now quote me the rules you broke, And explain in your own words why we have these in place? 

I broke rules 2.1 and 2.2 and they are:

[SIZE=medium](2.1) Vehicle Deathmatch (also known as VDM) - Using any vehicle as a weapon (e.g running people over, causing explosions including while sling loading, ramming, etc), will result in you receiving a ban. Three vehicles are excluded from this, MRAPS (Ifrits, Hunters and Striders) can ram other MRAPS in order to disable them, yet not to kill the passengers. This is allowed as these vehicles are the only vehicles ingame that can withstand being rammed. Please note that you need to initiate roleplay before attempting to ram an MRAP. (Please note - MRAPS don't need to be initiated on in the redzone) This is to prevent random ramming on site. (Three minutes of chasing also constitutes initiation of MRAP and MRAP ramming).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium](2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]This rule is not applicable in the red zone.[/SIZE]
They are needed in order to maintain the order on the server and that people don’t die for no reason (just like they wouldn’t in real life) and to make the player experience more balanced, fair and interesting.

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So what will you do next time, To prevent yourself getting in this situation? 

[SIZE=14pt]If I make someone crash by accident I will roleplay a crash scenario by checking if they are ok, ask for their insurance and help them with what I can.[/SIZE]

About robbing someone, I will do my best to have a reason to rob them and try to make a little background story of why I was robbing them.

I don’t know what do you mean by that but basically it’s to play on the server like I always did.

This rule break was a exception to my behaviour. I know the rules now and I can say that the same mistakes will not be made.

I’m really confused but I was trying to get the rebel license so my ambition is to make more money with my friend until I reach that goal.

I’m really confused but I was trying to get the rebel license so my ambition is to make more money with my friend until I reach that goal.

Alright, Iive considered all the comments and you behaviour. 
this is your first offence, And i believe in 2nd chances. And people learning from their mistakes. 
i hope this was your only one. Before jumping on, Make sure to read over the rules. 

UNBANNED 03/12/2018
Locked And Moved

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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