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Un-ban Appeal - James Connor - 01/13/2017 (Denied - 13/01/2017)

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In-game Name
James Connor

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
DI Busterguy

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Just think, if he had killed me, he would never postponed to the forum because he would have them what they wanted!
Because I killed them, "maybe 2sc is not enough and I should have said 3sc""I forgot to say is a robbery :/" I apologize for this, but if I did not kill them, I would be dead

Why should we unban you ?
Because i dont did RDM , i initiated and opens fire and i dont kill them when they was inside hatchback sport , the last guys was in gun fight and my friends was inside the truck we was with secret headphone so i know what all was doing.

"Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting."

We was going to rob this truck , my friends was already inside driving this truck and my other friends was in gilie suit in hatchback behind me,
i go out and i initiated again but I forgot to say its a robbery, but i kill no one when they was in hatchback , afther this they run to me with mx aiming me without talking and i open fire,
They should go out from the car and wait me here not come to me without taking with MX 6.5 in HAND.

for this ""Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play"" [I forgot to say its a robbery or other quality rp]
AND YOU CAN CLEARLY HEAR WHAT IM SAYING AT 3min24 we was going to robb the truck https://vid.me/CY9r
They dont let me the Choice to shoot them , 1 guys front of me with MX 6.5 aiming at me 3.43
The Admin dont let me the chance to compensate them ?
They insulted in teamspeak and just leave it.  
Thank you

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Okay first off, I'm sorry? You break the rule and then instead of looking at yourself and think back, you decide to put it on the Staff Member for not giving you a chance to compensate?

The Staff Team is not and will never be forced to let you compensate, you broke rules, quite big ones and you still don't get why you have been banned, so I am going to type it out for you now.

1. Saying "This is a robbery" is NOT quality Roleplay, never been quality Roleplay and never will be.

2. You began shooting at a vehicle without ANY quality Roleplay beforehand.

3. Killing someone is not the RDM part, if you read the rules as you obviously stated you did then you will notice that SHOOTING at someone without any RP is RDM.

4. You begin shooting at them, they try to defend themselves does not make it less RDM from your part

5. You even kill a guy without any weapons out.

6. When they TRY to RP with your friend, you straight up murder him

7. Again going to put this, breaking the rules, not getting them at all and completely breaking them is on YOU, not the Staff Team, not the reporting party but you.

8. No matter how much they insulted you in Teamspeak, if no proof has been given then no action will be taken.

9. ... A count down... You even quote this one yourself, this is the lowest form of Roleplay there is, it creates a lose, lose situation for all involved.

But that is not all, now we got to talk about your terrible RP...

"You got 2 seconds to exit the car, 1, 2" *Shoots*

This is a count down in all its form and glory, so yes against server rules, you even try to blame the other party here writing (" They should go out from the car and wait me here not come to me without taking with MX 6.5 in HAND. "), you just shot at them, why in the world would they think you are not hostile and pull the weapons they got? 

You had every choice to not kill them, maybe by doing proper Roleplay and not play this like Wasteland, then a Roleplay scenario would have been able to come out of this.

So now you might ask, what should you have done? Well that one is easy, you should have Roleplayed! This is a Roleplay server, and if the end of a barrel is the only place you can do so, I'm sorry this is not the place for you. The video and this appeal has proven to me that you do not understand this at all.

However this is a Community of learning and understanding, I will not be unbanning you for this appeal, however want you to sit down, read the rules, then re-read them again. After you done that, figure out EVERY rule you have questions about and bring them to the Staff Team through Teamspeak to get clarification about them. Then you have done all this, please sit down and write a proper unban appeal that explains in detail everything you did wrong in that video. If you do that, I will promise you it will give you a much more fair shot at being unbanned than you will ever get with that one right there.

Until then - DENIED

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