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Un-ban Appeal - ISP - 04/27/2016 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Admin kick no name Forum report

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
The rule I broke was rule 2.2 I can see why the video looks like rdm but it only shows one perspective. From my point of view it was justified. I was banned because the video makes it out that I just shot him for no reason. In the next section I will explain why.

Why should we unban you ?
I will explain the situation to say why I think I should be unbanned. Me and my friend were driving down the road when a car that looked the same as theirs tried to rob us. It ran us off the road and we broke down and we were subsequently robbed. We were repairing the car and obviously very annoyed and then we decided to let it go and carry on to the airport when we spotted the car coming back. We decided to pull out in front of them so they stopped and we could see if it was them and we could take revenge. This was NOT a vdm attempt whatsoever as we would have died as well and we had gear. Then the car swerved and they got out and one had a gun. Due to this response we assumed it was the same people that robbed us so we opened fire as soon as we saw the gun. I was kind of surprised when I saw that he had died but I didn't feel bad because I thought justice had been served. Then the asked us to come on ts and this is where I think I went wrong as I was too salty to speak to them and hear their side of the story. Now I think about it they probably were not the ones that robbed us and I think I should be unbanned because this was a one off incident and I am only human and got angry. I am willing to pay compensation for the gear they lost and in future I will handle the situation in a mature manner in order to rp the situation out rather than losing my temper and firing. Sadly I have no shadowplay to back this up but as their video shows a gun was pulled and I panicked. I should not have shot and I am sorry I admit I am in the wrong so please don't ban me for this because I am very sorry and it will certainly not happen again. Also I that video you hear them say something along the lines of "lets get him" and we thought they were the robbers and then he ran towards us with a gun so that why I shot. I know they were on the retreat but we thought they would come back for us.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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If you were in the same situation again what would you do differently?

If I was in that situation again I would have not shot in the first place and controlled my temper instead of shooting with no RP.   I would explore different options of resolving the situation instead of firing to make sure the rules were observed and rp was initiated. It was a stupid thing to do and im very sorry. Please don't ban me for this because it was a one off error and my temper got the better of me. It will not happen again as being banned is far worse than dying and therefore I will not be doing this again.

Are you now ready to follow the rules going forward?

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