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Un-ban Appeal - Husky - 06/12/2016 (Awaiting Player)

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Well-known member
England, Essex
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Farmer Giles

Reason given for your ban.
Baiting Cops https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/60693-report-a-player-lovu9-both-gangs-rdmpoorlow-quality-rp/

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because we started to do a HM Treasury with only about 30 minutes until the server restarted. This made it seem that we was baiting the cops and looking for a gunfight.

Why should we unban you ?
The HM Bank Job that was started was being plan for about and hour before we actually done it. This meant that we had already bought the blasting charge and was about to go and set up. This was until as some of us pulled up to the bank and saw another Bank Job was going on. This lead to us waiting for about 30 minutes until all rebels inside died and then another 10 for the police to leave and lock it all up. Some of us went in and placed the blasting charge. Me personally was on a hill that was about 500-600 metres away from the bank. When the 2 cops that pulled up stop outside the HM and got out I had a clear shot on them however I didn't shoot because I knew that there still was a chance for a negotiator to walk in and speak. I did not see that the negotiator had no weapon so I didn't say anything in teamspeak to the people I was doing a HM with. Then before I know it shots are being fired and people are getting killed. However even at this point I still didn't shoot because I didn't know what was really happening from where I was sitting so just let the others deal with it. Then by this point both officers were killed. Then before I know it, as I am running on the hills I start getting sprayed at by two officers on the hill that is to my left. This is when I start to take my first shots as they were hitting shots at my feet and just barely missing. However I only took about 5 shots before the officers backed off. Then 2 cars that were in the situation with me drove up on the hill. and started to try and shot the officer that was killing me. This is when i run up to the hill and hid behind a rock. Then i pull out my compass. For some reason the compass that was on my screen would not go away and i was glitched and could not see anything. Then as I am trying to fix it an officer pulls up in a rebel hatchback sport and shoots me just after I had just tabbed back into the game. This is where I died. I only took about 5 shots overall at officers and killed knowone. Where as the cops shot about 2 mags at me. The reason why I think that you should unban me is because I have only ever been banned once from this server and that was for a reason that was commited in one of the first weeks i had been on the server. Since then i have never been banned and was always good with the rules on the server. I agree that in some places i have been reported but however none of the reports had gone through because all of them was for valid reasons. Also this is the best server of altislife i have ever seen on the whole arma 3 community and nothing can top it. without this server Arma will no longer be fun for me and i will most likely not play it nearly as much as i do now. This server has the best and most kind and caring community that i have ever came across and is that is what makes the server so great. Also on the night of when this situation, I left the gang (LOV) and joined the police with my friends that i have played with for almost the whole time of being on the server... If I really wanted to offend the police and do bad things to them on purpose i would not of joined them that same day. I can completely understand why people see this as baiting as not trucks had yet got to the scene, the negotiator was accidentally killed and it was close to a restart. However none of these problems where done on purpose and was not really associated with me. I had not killed or even shot at the negotiator and the reason we done it close to restart was because we had set it all up and spent money on the blasting charge. Overall we did actually manage to get about 1-2 million pounds from the situation so the bank job was still kind of successful.

I am sorry to all people i may have offended or annoyed in this big mistake that we have caused and i really do hope to get unbanned because leaving this server would destroy all the fun and good times I have when i get back from school and hop on the teamspeak and server.

Thank You.

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If this bank job was so well planned and was not intended to bait, why were there no vehicles in the compound. In fact why not wait until the next restart or at another convenient time?

The bank job was not perfectly planned. The truck was on its way. However I believe that the person driving the truck lagged out so never arrived. However by this point we placed the charge down so we had already started. So instead people got out with hatchback sports. 

I had no involvement on the trucks on the blast being placed I was just 500m and watching. 

I do agree that when the truck was not able to arrive we should have left and done it after restart but by this point people were filling up the hatchbacks and we was getting shot at.

Im am very sorry for what has happened and it will not happen again. 


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@HuskyWhat I am failing to understand is why any of you thought you could do a bank 15 minutes before restart and why you thought it would be even a remotely good idea. This is a role play centric server. If you do anything like this again you will be perm banned.


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