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Un-ban Appeal - Hontawph (Unbanned)

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Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Swearing out of RP

The Server you initially was banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
Because I called someone an asshat, which I find very pathetic and I usually ain't toxic at all like the guy who reported the MLK clan who metagamed my clan plenty of times and followed us all the time since we robbed him 240k.

Why should we unban you.
I legit think you should unban me because I'm serious about that as I've got my police interview accepted and started making good money and spending more time on the server and would be ashame if all that went of nothing. As I said, I called someone an asshat which I find very minimal as people use fuck / fucking too much nowdays so it's out of the question even to consider that bannable. So again I'm sorry if that was very offensive but I really and honestly do enjoy the server as I'm looking forward to becoming or trying to become a cop as I'm revising on the handbook etc, please take this into consideration and I'll learn my lesson. Thanks for reading this and thanks for your time. Cheers.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I've heard nothing but complaints about the MLK gang, and so have several other staff and mangement members. He posted a report, and this is an adult community. We don't refer to other players as "Fucking Asshats" around here or telling other players "Fuck you" or "Fuck Off." We do not tolerate it here.

I'll let another staff member decide @Crumble

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As I said, I'm genuinely sorry. It just happened this time, I don't cuss in chat as I can't be bothered talking in chat too much. Aslo you hear complaints about one gang, doesn't mean everyone in the gang is as abusive / offensive as the rest in the gank right. I stand for what I said, yes I do regret it, but I've never told anyone  fuck off or fuck you etc, you catch the drift. I will respect your final desicion anyway. Don't know if it changes anything but I changed clan. Just to add one last thing, the guy I called an asshat, not saying what I did was correct, he ran me over with a car and then killed me and metagamed me by saying you killed or robbed me before, which again, my previous clan member did and not me again. The guy was Paulo who RDM'd and metagamed me.

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I look at your appeal as a member and not as a member of the MLK clan. It seems that you became mad, due to someone breaking the rules. How you gonna act from this point onwards when you're getting mad again? How do I know it won't happen again?

I look at your appeal as a member and not as a member of the MLK clan. It seems that you became mad, due to someone breaking the rules. How you gonna act from this point onwards when you're getting mad again? How do I know it won't happen again?
Ye, if I see this happen again as someone breaking the rules, I'll just record it and report it on the forums and let the staff deal with it instead of me getting pissed at someone who is doing something wrong. Simple as that I'll just report the player and let the staff deal with it and keep doing my thing from now on and going forward. I appreciate you looking at me as a regular member regardless of clan.

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I'm more talking about: are you able to control yourself when you're mad? 

Yes I'm able to control myself, this one just slipped by accident which rarely happens. I'm usually able to hold myself and couldn't care less when stuff like this happens and I will just stay calm going forward.

Let's hope so. Please re-read all server rules and make sure you understand them all. Don't let it happen again. It will be your last mistake. 

Unbanned for a final chance.

Name:[MLK] Hontah

Steam ID:76561198256268624


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