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Un-ban Appeal - Holmes- - 03/17/2017 [denied]

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Active member
In-game Name
[P] Rct. Holmes

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I might as well be honest about it so here it goes.

I started playing on this server about a year ago, got into the community learned all the rules thanks to some good guys/Gangs. Made money had RP situations was involved in gun fights everything that you do while you are playing on altis life server. After a few months i heard some guy talk about duping he was from one of my gangs, so it caught my interested. So he showed me how to do it, both with moneys and with gear. So ofc i started doing it thinking to my self that it was way easier than have to drag yourself out and do weed for example and use a long time on that. This way was much easier, did'nt think much about it just did without thinking on all the other guys who had put their time and effort in it as i did in the beginning. Shortly after this i also found out how boring the game was when i just got "everything deserved". Which eventually led me to leave this server and Arma for good and totally forgot about also. Then recently i started playing again when one of my old gang members wrote me and wanted to hear if i was still playing. So this led me to play again, and i quickly found a gang that suited my interests that i was having fun with. Then after some time i remembered something about that i could duplicate things still. So i wanted to see if it still worked(which it did), which ofcause did'nt turn good for me in any way. I found a new player on the server and did'nt want to drag him in at the beginning but it happend. So i wanted to see if the money thing still worked but it did'nt then i was going to show him how to duplicate things(this is where i got banned).

I violated this rule: (2.4) Using any exploits such as looting dead bodies, duplication of items or money....

Why should we unban you ?
This is my first ban and i know that this is a rather serious one but i am once again raised with a mindset that tells me everyone should be giving a second chance(but i leave that part up to the staff to decide, whether you give me unban or not).
I want to go back to being the one i was before all of this happened. Going back to using a lot of time on getting money and gear the hard way and not getting it "deserved" in any way. I defently think this ban taught me something about not choosing the easyiest way to get what you want and slack. I also think that this ban has in some ways "shocked" me or even "scared" me if you could say that. So i would say i have learned my lesson and i want be doing it anymore because of the consequence. As i mentioned earlier i think this ban is good for me so i can stop doing this and start going back to playing altis life like it was meant to be played. I hope you read this and can see it from my perspective/angle and really relate to how this has given me a "lesson" if you can say that.


ps. It got a bit longer than i expected but i have written the truth and can stand by it all. I leave the rest up to you :) And i dragged @BlueNation in it who also got a ban so please keep that in mind when you are dealing with his appeal.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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This is indeed a very serious issue here. The level of this exploiting, then teaching other players on how to do it is just sickening to me. Who knows how much damage was done by doing this on our roleplay Servers. And who knows how many people we're  taught by yourself, theres just no trust that can be but on you to continue playing here.

I appreciate you explaining in detail on what happened, or on how long this was going on. But seriously this is a no go in my eyes. At this time I cant see you playing here, having that feeling how you exploited here.Just no trust bud, all the best elsewhere.

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