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Un-ban Appeal - Haywire - 06/25/2016 (Unbanned)

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Escaped Convict
In-game Name
Gone Haywire

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Droge Worst

Reason given for your ban.
Abuse / Threats to report

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Rather than responding to an RDM situation in the way I should have I told someone that if they didnt return my stuff I would report. When asked to "take it somewhere else" I said I would take it to the forums. There was also a bit of childish name calling.

Why should we unban you ?
So, i've been a part of this community for a year and a half and have had a clean slate (until now) since I started. I followed the rules like I abide by the law. Over the past few days I have been VDM'd, RDM'd and fallen victim to poor roleplay situations which have resulted in my losing almost 2 million worth of gear. Today has been the worst of all. The situation was this:
I was talking to someone about a helicopter performing tricks next to us and he seemed to be roleplaying back. Then, out of no where he pulled a pistol on me and told me to drop my gun. Despite having an assault rifle in my hands I decided to drop it rather than spray him down for the sake of roleplay. Upon doing so, he started demanding I drop the rest of my gear so I knocked him to the ground with the intent to ziptie him and take him on "an adventure". When I knocked him out someone drove over both of us and I heard him yelling in a foreign language. Shortly after someone jumped out of the helicopter next to us and shot me as I was recovering from being VDM'd.

Knowing that I would have to spend another 20 minutes getting gear for the 10th time that day I was hot headed and rather than responding like a sensible, mature person (as I like to think I usually do) I told him he was to return my gun to me or I will take it to the forums. At this point an admin attempted to cool the situation by says "Calm down kids" and "take it somewhere else". I would like to note that if I hadn't been a part of this community for so long I would have had no idea this person was a staff member..it could have been anyone who wanted us out of sidechat. However seeing as I knew he was staff, I suppose I cannot use that excuse.

After the admin said to take it elsewhere I directed a response to the RDM'er (excuse the language): "Okay i'll take it to the forums. Asshole." I totally accept that that isn't acceptable even in an adult community, so I deeply apologise for that. That being said, I was banned shortly after with no real warning which leads me onto my next point. I do believe that the way in which I was banned was handled very poorly. If not for my prior knowledge of the server I wouldn't have known that I was being spoken to by an admin and I wasn't told I was breaking any rules. I understand that I broke a rule and should be punished but I believe getting banned was an over reaction. If I had been told "Right, this is your only warning. Stop acting like a child in chat or you will be banned" I would have had to respect that and shut my mouth. If I had chosen to continue, the ban would have been more than justified.

As a long time member of the community I feel that I shouldn't have been banned so quickly for what i'm pretty sure is considered a minor offense. Still, I want to say that you don't have to agree with every rule nor do you have to agree 100% with the way staff handle things to respect them. I do respect the rules and what I did was silly. If you choose to unban me, It won't happen again.

I want to add that this appeal could have just been a lot of apologies and guilt and it would have most likely had a better chance of getting accepted. I didn't want to do that though because that's not an honest representation of how I feel. Of course I respect the rules and I apologise for breaking them, but I believe I have made my thoughts clear enough. This appeal is my complete honest view on the situation and my opinion on why I should be unbanned. This is my mentality and at the end of the day if you dont want me on your server because of it then that's your decision to make.

Thanks for reading my appeal,


Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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I was banned shortly after with no real warning which leads me onto my next point. I do believe that the way in which I was banned was handled very poorly.
I have actually warned you and the guy that you were discussing with, 2 times and not just that only one time...  Be happy that I even warned, cause breaking server rules is normally a straight up ban.

So.. Please tell me. Which rule did you broke here?



I have actually warned you and the guy that you were discussing with, 2 times and not just that only one time...  Be happy that I even warned, cause breaking server rules is normally a straight up ban.

So.. Please tell me. Which rule did you broke here?

This is my point.

Your warnings didn't carry much weight because I wasn't aware I was breaking a rule that would get me banned nor was I 100% sure that you were staff. Saying "calm down kids" and "take it somewhere else" didn't seem like official warnings from an admin to me. Also, someone getting hot headed in chat (at least in my opinion) should not lead to a ban without any warning. That's ridiculous. If I had broken a rule in my early days on the server and a year later this happened I could be permanently banned for this which I can't get my head around. Either way, i'm in this now and what happened happened so here's the answer to your question:

(2.8) Threats to report / disputes / Breaking RP in Voice. There are so many people on the server with all different points of view and disputes and disagreements are all part of the game, however please do not discuss them in-game also do not break RP in voice. For example if someone has RDM’ed you discussing this on the server or saying “I am going to report you” is not allowed. Please use the forums or teamspeak to report or discuss only (Punishment is a ban) Exception: You may contact someone using the text system if they are not on teamspeak or on the forums. Please only attempt to make this contact in effort to resolve the issue, not to antagonise the other player/users/members.

So I'm an bad admin because I'm doing what the rules say? Interesting...

(2.8) Threats to report / disputes / Breaking RP in Voice. There are so many people on the server with all different points of view and disputes and disagreements are all part of the game, however please do not discuss them in-game also do not break RP in voice. For example if someone has RDM’ed you discussing this on the server or saying “I am going to report you” is not allowed. Please use the forums or teamspeak to report or discuss only (Punishment is a ban) Exception: You may contact someone using the text system if they are not on teamspeak or on the forums. Please only attempt to make this contact in effort to resolve the issue, not to antagonise the other player/users/members.
Also this is not very nice...


Do you understand that this behavior is not welcome here? Also: have you read the rules recently? 

So I'm an bad admin because I'm doing what the rules say? Interesting...

Also this is not very nice...


Do you understand that this behavior is not welcome here? Also: have you read the rules recently? 
Please..I never said you were a bad admin I just said that the rules you follow are bad.

and yes I am very familiar with the rules. As I say in my appeal I wasn't aware that what I was doing was likely to get me banned, but I suppose I should do a re-read. Also, I know what I said wasn't very nice. Which is why I apologised for it :)

We treat everyone the same regardless of time on the server, donations, etc... and after reading your responses I get the feeling you're saying you should be treated differently.

You violated a rule, and he was actually being nice by trying to warn everyone, normally he could not have said a word. All he had to do was ban your steam ID and kick you off the server.

When you're ready to accept responsibility for the fact that you violated a rule this will continue. Our policies have stayed the same and we have zero tolerance here, if you don't like it, don't think it's fair, think it's wrong, you do not have to play here and can leave at any time. 

Firstly, at no point did I try and imply that I should be treated differently. If that's what you got from that then I apologise, it's not what I meant.

So, at multiple points in my appeal and in my responses I have stated that I accept responsibility and understand that what I did was wrong. I am beginning to feel like what i'm saying isn't coming across how I mean it to, so i'm going to lay it down simply:

- I 100% accept that I broke a rule and I apologise for that. I understand what rule I broke and I understand and respect all the rules.

- I don't agree with how the situation was handled nor do I think an immediate ban was the appropriate response. That being said, rules are rules and I have to respect how you handle things.

- The reasoning behind stating my experience on the server was to make a point that long-time members of the community who have contributed a lot and followed the rules can find themselves permanently banned for things that (arguably) could be handled very differently. However I see now that this isnt something I should discuss in a ban appeal.

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