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Un-ban Appeal - General Dave - 03/24/2017 (Unbanned 28/03/2017)

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Dave Noble

Well-known member
Greater Manchester
In-game Name
(TSM) General Dave

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because I broke rule (5.4) When you are revived/downed:

You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 15 minutes.
Your character retains all knowledge of the time before they are downed.
While you are downed you may not divulge tactical information to anyone. The exception to this is information spoken in direct chat in game. Please be mindful that you are heavily injured and should act accordingly.

i was downed and then revived and fired about 4-5 shots before I realised what I was doing was wrong. It was a very silly mistake to make and i am very disappointed in my self as I pride myself on trying to follow the rules at all time.

Why should we unban you ?
I try to be a good role player at all times and really enjoy it here I have made lots of new friends and i consider myself to be a good member of the community, I have once again read all the rules and now understand fully where i went wrong. if i were to be unbanned, in the future when downed i would not make this mistake again, sometimes we get carried away when in a gun fight etc and i think that is what happened here, I did not mean to break the rules but I understand I have. If un banned I would make sure I never do this again I am also always trying to improve my role play. I apologise for breaking the rule.

Thanks for reading, Dave. :)

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Just so it is logged here I would like to also point out that you were divulging a lot of information including telling your gang to kill people in another gang when you were downed and on the floor. No effort was made to roleplay that you were injured severely. 

Right then Dave, you've recently been unbanned for breaking a rule, it's quite a shame to see you here so soon.

I understand that people get carried away in gunfights and what not but you showed disregard for this rule by shooting/divulging tactical information and failing to rolepaly any sort of injury due to your recent downed state. Not very good roleplay either is it?

Why should we take a risk and unban you? I fear if we do, you will consume more of our time quite soon and wind up back here. What can you do to prevent that?? Can you prove you've read and UNDERSTOOD the rules you have broken?

Hello there and thanks for your reply, when i had broke the rule, in the my video after firing 4 bullets it has me saying i shouldn't of done that so i realised what i had done straight away and as for the divulging information to my team mates all i had said is that there is a police officer in my building after being shot, this was not said in game but said on team speak, i understand now that it was wrong of me to do so after it breaches rule 5.4 along with the firing my weapon after being revived i should of known better as i try my very best to follow the rules at all times. There is no excuse for this rule break it was my fault and mine alone. That said i was banned the first time as i was very new to the server and broke a severe rule. i learnt from that ban as i have never done anything of the likes again and if un banned i would carry on following that rule and also the rule i broke most recently along with all other rules to the best of my ability, I have took the time in the last few days to read the rules and fully understand them again as to not get confused in the future or even in the heat of the moment not break any rule at all. I have also spent some time reading through the rule that i had broken as to fully understand it, however I do have a few questions about the rule that i would like to talk to a member of staff about on ts if that would be an option if un banned.

The rule i broke was rule (5.4) When you are revived/downed:(You may not actively enter or continue any combat situation for the next 15 minutes.Your character retains all knowledge of the time before they are downed.
While you are downed you may not divulge tactical information to anyone. The exception to this is information spoken in direct chat in game. Please be mindful that you are heavily injured and should act accordingly).

This means you can speak over direct game chat to give info to medics/police etc but not divulge any tactical information to anyone on group chat side chat or any other platform ie ts that would cause your team/gang to have the upper hand in any situation and must act heavily injured after being downed. also it means once revived you can not actively enter the same combat situation or any combat situation for 15 mins after being revived, you have to leave the area or if shot by police stand with your hands up and wait to be restrained unless all ready restrained.

If un banned i will follow all rules and take my place back as a valuable member of the community i get along with everyone on the server and it would be very sad if I couldn't come back, not just for me but for the members of my gang that are probably all of the place at the moment without any direction. I know it does not look good on my part though for the other people in the gang as I should be following rules as to set a good example to them, I can honestly say what i did was a very stupid mistake and from this day forwards if un banned i would set an example to them and any other player on the server, I am not a bad bloke i messed up and i truly apologise for that.

Please give me the chance to prove to you i am and will continue to be a valuable member of the community.

Thanks for taking the time to look at my ban appeal.


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Dave, you are a very good roleplayer, hopefully this was just a moment in madness and I hope that you do not let me down here and stick to your word and follow the rules properly this time.

Don't make me regret this.


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