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Un-ban Appeal - DI Vlatima (Unbanned: 11/02/16)

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DI Vlatima

Well-known member
In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially was banned on.

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
I'm pretty sure I was banned because Fry did not like the picture, even tho it was meant as a joke...

Personal note: I do wish that you had just told me that you did not approve of the picture instead of banning me. As I would've deleted the gyazo instantly then.

Why should we unban you.
I think I should be unbanned because as we all can see, the picture was meant as a joke... You cannot say you don't find it funny when you find a dude on some shady market who uses the exact same name as one of the "Higher ups" in the Police Force...

I hope that Fry did not take too much offence to this picture as this wasn't the meaning of it. This picture was not in anyway meant to cause any emotional or stressful reaction with Fry - Which it obviously did.

I do apologise to you Fry, if you've taken any offence to this picture and if you allow me, then I will post it in here so people can get an overview of what it was and why it wasn't meant to annoy or make you feel sad/bullied in anyway.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Nevermind I got it. I will be bringing this up to the senior admins.

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I get it was banter, but you passed around something that is illegal using the offical teamspeak. What happens when people come to you who want to get into that sort of thing. Not to mention what if someone did not find it funny, and generally believed Fry was into to that?

I've also been told you were asked not to spread it around, but continued to do so?

I have not been asked to not share that thing around. 

Like I said earlier, had Fry just told me to get rid of it. Then the picture would've been gone in an instant.

EDIT: On more clarification on the "Cannabis" side of it. It is not illegal to view cannabis online, it is not illegal to see a picture of cannabis online tho.

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I have not been asked to not share that thing around. 

Like I said earlier, had Fry just told me to get rid of it. Then the picture would've been gone in an instant.

@Fryhas said differently, that him and cool breeze spoke with you about it.

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As I have been mentioned in this topic I will bring my piece of when I spoke about these type of things.

When I was CI of Academy I informed you full well that if images or talk of this sort within ALUK whatsapp groups our in random TS channels I would be demoting you due to the fact it was regarding an illegal substance now i agree yes it isn't illegal everywhere but I also informed you i wished it not to be spoken about as we have younger generations within this community in which we do not for any manner wish to promote the use of any narcotics.

As an SI now I had to remind you in one of the whatsapp groups to not post things of this nature in ALUK whatsapp groups for the very same reasons.

Now I am not sticking this here to make your appeal go against you but I also do not appreciate you saying that I never spoke to you about it as I did and many people are aware that I did.

If you do get unbanned take this as a learning curve as it can be seen as a serious matter.

P.S Vlat your a muppet and hope to see you back soon :p :)

As I have been mentioned in this topic I will bring my piece of when I spoke about these type of things.

When I was CI of Academy I informed you full well that if images or talk of this sort within ALUK whatsapp groups our in random TS channels I would be demoting you due to the fact it was regarding an illegal substance now i agree yes it isn't illegal everywhere but I also informed you i wished it not to be spoken about as we have younger generations within this community in which we do not for any manner wish to promote the use of any narcotics.

As an SI now I had to remind you in one of the whatsapp groups to not post things of this nature in ALUK whatsapp groups for the very same reasons.

Now I am not sticking this here to make your appeal go against you but I also do not appreciate you saying that I never spoke to you about it as I did and many people are aware that I did.

If you do get unbanned take this as a learning curve as it can be seen as a serious matter.

P.S Vlat your a muppet and hope to see you back soon :p :)
Ahh, I remember. I'm very sorry for forgetting what you've said. I did not mean any disrespect towards you mate as I know you're just looking out for us :).

I'm going to let a Senior Admin make a decision here. @Neoor @Vladic Ka

You've bought illegal activity which you shouldn't have been discussing with other members into the community through unoffical whatsapp for the police groups, and the team speak. Some have come forward expressing their concerns about this who shall remain anonymous.

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I'd like a summary of what EXACTLY has been done and said....

We don't promote drug use, but isn't week in our game?

I'd like a summary of what EXACTLY has been done and said....

We don't promote drug use, but isn't week in our game?
Yes it is, and you make a very valid point here.

Especially if anyone has used drugs (In-game), then you'd see that it also glorifies the usage of drugs. It comes up with the following message "Winners dont use drugs (They do really!)".

Which would also be classified as glorifying the use of drugs. Theres also a teamspeak on (The Smoking Room) That has a sign on it that promotes the usage of THC.

My summary on what happend

I found something I believe was funny on a website, it was a store a guy had setup under the name of "Phillip J Fry".

And I found that funny because someone had picked the exact same name as Fry had.

The name originates from the Futurama series and I found it very funny that I would come across someone that had picked the exact same name of such a website. So I found it funny, I took a gyazo of it and I shared it with a few people, over a teamspeak channel. And everyone else seemed to find it funny as well, so I chugged it in the AR [Armed Response] WhatsApp. Because those guys like to have a laugh as well. Under it I labelled the message "Look at the name not the material" (Proof: Link). I found myself removed from the WhatsApp conversation about three minutes after, so I typed a message to Fry about him not finding it fun as banter. The reason why I did this was so that he would have a clear opportunity to ask for me to remove it, he did not respond to me at all. About thirty minutes after I found myself permanently banned from Teamspeak with the message "Trolling  - Fry (Unban @AltisLife.co.uk?" This is the exact message I received. 

And that is my version of the story, I don't know if Fry experienced it differently, but please feel free to share your version of the story with me Fry as I would like to know if it was because you found it insulting / offensive towards you. 

My personal opinion

I dont believe its right to ban someone for linking a picture of someone selling cannabis under the name "PhillipJFry". I think you should've just messaged me and asked me to remove it and I would've removed for you instantly as I had no intention of offending you.

I also think its completely wrong to link the ban to weed, if that is the case. As there are so many elements on the server/teamspeak that glorifies the usage of cannabis/narcotics.

Also, I believe its wrong to use the Game Moderator position to avoid talking to someone about it, as this is what we encourage everyone in the police force and server to do, we both know that it is required for people to at least speaking to the other party before making a report, as this settles the majority of disputes. I think this is a clear case of where we should've sat down and just talked about it, instead of using a position of power against someone to outright avoid speaking to the individual.

Final note

We're all here to have fun and we shouldn't remove the privilege from someone unless there is no other way.

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Unban issued:

This will not be held on your file.

So along with your statement and that of other staff members, this whole ban is a bit silly.

What you do in your spare time is upto you. If you're selling/trading drugs via our communication platforms, then there will be trouble. Obviously there's a lot of varying views on drugs, and you should respect it's a topic that shouldn't really be brought up, much like religion and politics...

End fact is, we have drugs in our game, it's part of our game. Drugs kill.... or at least rebels will kill you for them, and cops will probably kill you if you shoot at them because you have them.....

Keep life and game separate to avoid problems.

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