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Un-ban Appeal - DerpingWork - 31/05/19

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In-game Name

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The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
After a year pause i came back to the server to have some fun (i've just finished high school so got loads of time) and not even five minutes after playing i get killed by some hobo which VDMed me / attempted to land a jet on top of me, killing us both.
So i told him that he is "redard". Then ban

Why should we unban you ?
Because i didn't know it was bannable, been on server for 4 years and this never happened until recently, so i kinda didn't have any clue.
Well, won't happen again.
But still i am quite unhappy that server has this much of an rule to ensure correctness upon all players playing.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Made a funny post like people do, whats wrong about it?
What is exactly so funny about it? After googling the title of the topic you posted all I can find is a link explaining it's meaning which is either a term to insult the theory of African people being part of the Egyptian civilization and it's often used as a term by white supremacist and nationalist websites.

Even if you meant it as a 'joke'. Why wasn't it posted in the comedy section but instead in the Altis Life Chat section, with no context explaining what you actually wanted to insinuate with the post? 

What is exactly so funny about it? After googling the title of the topic you posted all I can find is a link explaining it's meaning which is either a term to insult the theory of African people being part of the Egyptian civilization and it's often used as a term by white supremacist and nationalist websites.

Even if you meant it as a 'joke'. Why wasn't it posted in the comedy section but instead in the Altis Life Chat section, with no context explaining what you actually wanted to insinuate with the post? 
it was a joke

nah yeah nah but now really how does it matter if it was supposed to be a joke thread and why are you dragging politics into this.

like i said, UK is PC enough, i don't think you need to be too, using a meme i randomly found isn't of any sort bad right? Or is it?

it was a joke

 nah yeah nah but now really how does it matter if it was supposed to be a joke thread and why are you dragging politics into this.

 like i said, UK is PC enough, i don't think you need to be too, using a meme i randomly found isn't of any sort bad right? Or is it?
I fail to see how I'm dragging politics into this? And I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to rephrase what you said as I'm not fully understanding what you mean! 

I fail to see how I'm dragging politics into this? And I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to rephrase what you said as I'm not fully understanding what you mean! 
"... link explaining it's meaning which is either a term to insult the theory of African people being part of the Egyptian civilization and it's often used as a term by white supremacist and nationalist websites."

Anyways like i said, i meant it as a joke and only as a joke. Found it on the interned, posted it on 3 webs, only one has problems with it.

That's all, i just don't get why can't we go past this little thing and start solving the other one..

We have rules for a reason. If you're going to insult me and other members off the staff team then you don't belong here. 

Although your appeal has been Denied, please give the rules a thorough read here.

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