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Un-ban Appeal - Dementia (Denied)

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Dear Admins 

Dementia has opened an un-ban appeal

Your In-game name: Dementia
Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198006785011
Your GUID or Steam ID: Dementia
Date & Time you was banned:: 15/08/15 around 16:00
Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): Whoisdan
In your own words, Why do you think you was banned: i was flying an orca at kavala and was trying to land on the office building then my pc froze and died....... after 2-3hours of trying to fix it i try to log in and puf i see that i got banned for
Combat Log......when i wernt even in an combat.... just flying an heli then my pc just poof died ......
Please copy and paste the rule you think you broke: Combat log
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: well i like this server and having fun.... i don't brake rules.....and i don't combat log.... even if i want,like those moments when u get on early get arrested by police at illegal stuff and u get frustrated
i don't log out until i finish my jail time or stuff like that.
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and insert the URL below:

NOTE TO MEMBER, This unban appeal will be looked at in due course, Please note there are no timeframe's

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You crashed your heli, it blew up, and almost straight after you died 'Dementia disconnected.'

Looked very suspicious to me, so I issued a ban. 

Yes you are correct ,i crushed heli because there was no co pilot and then this driver fail black screen and nothing to do from my side

i just wanted to pick my friends from office building : / 

Explain the problem with your PC in detail and how you fixed it.

lol...this is getting oh never mind ill explain if you insist,if you noticed the last Nvidia driver update starting at 356.01 and still occuer not as offen as befor but still it exists at 356.06 and the card is 660 TI

now sometimes driver crush for no reason happens to me a lot at GTA 4 , Guild wars 2 , Smite ( after recent update)

there is no real way for me to fix this problem only to reboot my system that's for what i got banned here

because of technical misunderstanding.

i don't know real way to fix it it happens from time to time when driver stops responding and recovers , black screen when you can hear sound and everything else stuck ( also had an black screen with sound playing itself at loop )

now i know that Restarting Your pc befor you leave the server is rule breaking "Combat logging" but how are you gonna leave a game if your driver crushed....after that crush i opened my case and cleaned the video card maybe that will help.

and now it works again still haven't tested in arma yet

if you can appoint me an quick fix for this kind of bug i will be very thankful to you


Your welcome to re-appeal when you have your PC in working order.

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