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Un-ban Appeal - deafninja99 - 30/04/19

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New member
Hottest place on Earth
In-game Name
Rob Vicious

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Valen Bell

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
In the rules it states that I was banned for not following rule 1.7 or the common sense rule that states that the player must not do anything irrational, disrespectful, and/or mean. I do not know exactly why I was banned for this as i have been a fairly good and kind player in the community, except for one warning of NLR when i first came on this server. Like I said I do not know exactly why I was banned and, if possible, see the evidence. Whatever I did wrong I feel sincerely bad for doing and just want to relax and role-play on probably the best role-play server out there.

Why should we unban you ?
I would like to be unbanned because I have been playing on this server for about a month now and would just like to relax and chat with my friends while playing on a fun and interesting server. I also have no previous record, except for my one warning on NLR when i first joined the server (a stupid mistake).

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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Have a thorough read of the rules and have a think about what you could be banned for, what have you done that could be considered breaking this rule. If you do then we can proceed.

Sorry my bad for not responding quickly. I have read through the rule about 3 time now and i feel i understand them as much as I do now. Except for the previously mentioned breaking of NLR I do not recall any event where I have broken rule 1.7, the common sense rule. I have only interacted with a small number of people on this server in my short time playing and not one of those interactions were performed with true malicious intent towards the other person. I have not cursed anyone out on this server, bullied anyone, or trolled people. These are just the examples presented by rule 1.7 but those along with other examples of breaking rule 1.7 are not allowed and I have not previously done or interacted with anyone, to my knowledge, that has done any of the examples presented.

You state you did nothing malicious towards another person, but what about doing something malicious together with a player. Does this ring any bells? 


I have robbed a bank in the past with a friend but in that scenario I was role playing and nothing toxic came up. I also did rob a gas station soon after but I also role played that and nothing interesting happened. I have only rolled with other players for about one day and in that day I did these robberies as well as try to take someone hostage. I walked up to the person with my buddy and said hey buddy (or something along those lines) and mentioned his clothes and then I said I wanted them so I told him to put his hands up. My memory is not that good, but I still do not recall anything malicious I did with another player. That is why I previously mentioned that I would like to see the video to help me remember. I'm sorry, but I still don't recall anything.

The only time I have played with others on this server was for about one night when we did the things previously mentioned and they haven't said anything about a ban and are not the type of people, to me and many others at least, to break rules.

While walking the dog I did just remember that I also have had a shootout with another player and had role played being poor in Kavala, but in both of these scenarios I was by myself.

Player bumped appeal. Warned for bumping appeal. 3 day posting restriction added.

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The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

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