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Un-ban Appeal - Conor1233 - 21/08/18 (Denied)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
1.3 i believe

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
i know why i was banned and i understand the ban i got issued what happend was i was rdmed by a member of the community and got very heated as i lost a lot of gear and swore at him outside of roleplay which i understand is not exeptable and i apogiles for this i then was banned in ts as i was messing around in ts trolling as i was bored and i have had a long break of this server and would like to come back as i have played it a lot and made over 30 mil thats a lot of progress gone right there. i have only had 1 ban which was combat logging which wasnt my fault so i think i deserve another chance.

Why should we unban you ?
because my only ban ever was combat logging which wasnt my fault at all so i think i deserve another chance to play on the server as i played a lot and have a lot of money and its so annoying being banned from a server that i enjoyed and regret what i done if i was unbanned i wouldnt do this again and would actually p[lay the server as i am more mature now as its been over 6 months from when i was banned. not much more i can add to this apart from i promise that i wont troll again and that i am a changed guy

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

You were also banned for 2.8.

It's been a tad over 5 months (Not 6). I wouldn't call that a 'long' break, or a significant time frame for someone to have had a complete change in character.

You clearly let your temper get the better of you and didn't have it in you to show maturity or restraint in the situation. It's seems after your ban, you displayed more toxic and immature behaviour and for shits and giggles decided to disrupt people's fun on TS before getting yourself banned on there to.  What you said to staff, frankly I'm surprised you didn't get a 1.6 community ban.

In addition, despite having 2 bans, you also have 3 warnings. Advertising, restraint glitching, and Abusing Staff. 

If it had been a year or two, sure, I might buy the personality change, but given it's only been 162 days, and your overall conduct back then was outright deplorable, your appeal has been denied.


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Randomly came on 5 months after his appeal was declined and disturbed me during my tea drinking experience this evening with some racist PM

Steam ID: 76561198294396821

Never unban


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