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Un-ban Appeal - Coder (Unbanned)

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Dear Admins 

Coder has opened an un-ban appeal

Your In-game name: [Gc] Nikolai
Your Steam Profile ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198128084078 - - STEAM_0:0:83909175
Your GUID or Steam ID: 76561198128084078
Date & Time you was banned:: 20.08.2015 1:36pm
Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): Average "Brat" Johnson
In your own words, Why do you think you was banned: I was banned because of killing cop at H.M Treasury, while my Gang members were doing a bank job. Admin thought, that I was called as a backup, which is bannable and I know that. But I was there from beginning, while my gang members started getting into vault, I was in Hatchback Sport driving around, then I crashed and had to go to Kavala hospital to heal up 100%, as 75% in combat counts. Anyway, when cops arrived, I was on my way back to H.M, I was driving as fast as I could. ~2 mins later I was driving around my sniper, I was giving him cover from behind, I was looking for cops, just patrolling. Then cops arrived, I was tracking them. ~5 mins later sniper engaged 1 of the cops. While cop was injured, I jumped out of a hatchback and finished him off. After that I got kicked and banned.
Please copy and paste the rule you think you broke: 13E) You may not write in sidechat that you are robbing the bank. This is your operation with the friends/members that are there with you. You may not call for backup, only those on site at the beginning of the heist may take part.
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I think it's misunderstanding. I can't provide video evidence, I'm always recording, but this time shadowplay didn't work..
Main reasons for giving me another chance is that I know every single rule, I try to keep my RP high, and I keep my gameplay in harmony with rules. This time as I said, it's misunderstanding.r /> Next time I promise, I won't go anywhere when my gang is starting a bank job.
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and insert the URL below:

NOTE TO MEMBER, This unban appeal will be looked at in due course, Please note there are no timeframe's

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We are in a situation where your story sounds correct however we cannot prove it as shadowplay wasnt working

I have unbanned you but its a final chance unban, i think to be safe in the future if you leave the scene dont return.

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