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Un-ban Appeal - Cliffy - 08/20/2017 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Si long beard

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for a misunderstanding in a reply to a post on a report of Nealon, in the report I thought it was clear the helicopter we were firing warning shots was in the air when the warning shots were fired and was on the ground when we went to engage on it. We fired further warning shots in order to avoid contact but the persons did not move and so we killed them, the warning shots were fired when the orca arrived at the coke fields and had not landed yet, the player claims not to have heard them. We went on team speak and tried to explain the situation and thought there wouldn't be a report filed as we had followed rp so we deleted our recording as they take up too much space on our computers but the admin looking at the post seems to have misunderstood that the initial warning shots were when the heli had landed when in fact those were warning shots not required in rp just us trying to avoid confrontation after firing our initial warning shots.

Why should we unban you ?
This was a misunderstanding and due to the way the other players spoke on TeamSpeak we believed that the matter was not going to be brought any further, I believe the report was a malicious attempt of revenge due to the scrapping of the players helicopter. The players said on team speak "well this is going now where" leading us to believe that the matter was sorted and would go "nowhere" further? This player (David Jackson is his name) mislead us into deleting what could have saved us from a ban and I think it is actually disgraceful that he did that but I do fully understand the admins action as re reading it, I can see it could me misinterpreted. I do apologize for not making things clearer, I was trying my best to be Co operative and make sure this was sorted out easily and without a ban as we were sure we did nothing wrong.

I swear that everything said here is the complete truth and I respect the decision made by the admin in banning both Nealon and I however I also believe I did not make myself clear enough on the way the situation panned out as I was under time pressure in work(I wasn't really supposed to be replying to the messages but I know the 3 hour timeframe) so it was a miscommunication on my behalf however no rdm was committed under my belief and based on the rules I stand by that belief

I was asked on a timed out ban appeal to explain the following account (apologies for the time out but I got no email notification on it)
Adventure capitalist: is my younger brother who played this until he was banned for being an asshole (excuse my French) to an admin or so I'm led to believe by him.
Lee. Clifford7: is my own account, I only made the account to play this as I don't normally play computer games how ever after trying this on my brothers account I decided I play with my friend.
Joenealon97 : is the friend of mine who I got the game to play with
D3CL4N~D3R#: Is Joenealon97 cousin who came on to play with us as we wanted a larger squad.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

i would just like to add for full transparency that adventure capitalist used to be an account i owned when i did game seriously on the computer however i gave my brother the user and password to it when i went to college and he took it over as it has nearly 100 games on it that would have been wasted, i however only ever played Altis life one time on this account when my friend joenealon97 asked me to try it with him, after this i went and created a new steam account and played on my computer for college. this shouldnt really make a difference i just dont want you to believe i set up lee.clifford7 as a way of dodging the ban on Adventure Capitalist as this is not the case. i only got the game because it was cheap in the summer sale which pushed me to get it with joenealon97

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Yes and I understand that the other player in this may have misconstrued the event as rdm if he did not hear the initial warning shots how ever we not only gave him warming shots before he landed but also shot around his helicopter before engaging as we really were not interested in fighting and just wanted to collect coke for a run. 

Okay, I don't believe that you are telling the truth.

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198052810703 Adventure Capitalist (Brother, Allegedly)
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198397918393 Lee.Clifford7 (You, Allegedly)

Notice in the description of both:
Adventure Capitalist

This user has also played as:

Lee Clifford  
Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

This user has also played as:

So unless your parents decided to give both you and your brother the same name I don't buy it. Are you prepared to start telling the truth?
Like I said that used to be my account, my brothers name is Ryan and he changed the name to adventure capitalist but didn't change the name from the bio that's all that that is, I am honestly telling the truth. The account was mine up till about September last year and then I went to college and gave my brother my computer and account, I now play on my account on my laptop for college and made a new account due to the fact we kept kicking each other out of games when trying to play. I wouldn't risk lying here as I really do enjoy the community of roleplay.co.uk and have done my best not to break rules as I do not want to expelled from it permanently. 

Ok, I'm willing to continue this appeal. 

Please join TS and join staff support near the top, link this appeal to the staff member who comes to talk to you.

Please make sure you and your brother are both present and both speaking at the same time. Once the staff member is happy they can comment on this report and we will continue, if you join and try to lie a perm ban will be issued.

So either join TS or tell us the truth. Your call. 

Will do tomorrow as I am not currently at home and don't expect to me until around 4 am Irish time, I will update on a time that I will be on ts tomorrow morning. 

Player spoke to me on TeamSpeak, contact if you want further details.

Okay, continuing on with the appeal; can you quote me the RDM rules? What could you have done differently?

Rdm is shooting and /or killing someone without engaging in quality role play. I would approach the helicopter once landed and try to communicate via voice communication from a distance and tried to avoid conflict that way if it became clear to me that warning shots had not been heard or possibly ignored as I am not one for firefights as I have a tendency to lose. My main aim of the game in this is business whether that be legal or illegal and try my best to leave conflict to the rebels and police. 

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What I believe I bring to the community is that I consider myself to be a fair and polite player whom enjoys roleplaying with other players and doing business in the world of Roleplay.co.uk. As an example of this I do remember one time I was online playing with the player Nealon ( a friend in real life) and we were doing an oil run, we were in the middle of this run when some police arrived and talked to us for a while, I believe the officer in charge that time was a Sergeant Reinhardt or something of the sort, any how we got talking to them and they ended up helping us make it back to the trader in a police envoy after which the aforementioned sergeant decided to give us 500000 pounds to upgrade our trucks as he said we were some of the most polite and nice lads he had met on the server and that we had made his roleplay that day much more enjoyable. I believe this encounter stands testament to my character as a role-player and as a player on these servers. I am not someone who enjoys annoying or ruining others days , I am by my belief someone who just wants to have a bit of fun roleplaying in in my opinion the best server on Arma 3. The unfortunate fact of the matter is I have actually stopped playing arma as a result of the ban due to the fact I don’t like any other servers than those of roleplay.co.uk and I really hope I will be allowed to return as I do miss the fun I have in this community.

(this is just the reply i put above but i am able to now post in the comment box where i wasnt earlier)

I would attempt to approach the helicopter and talk to the player and try my best to sort the situation out non violently if it became clear to me the player had not heard any warning shots at the helicopter. 

I would do what I could to maintain role play and ensure it was an engaging experience for both myself and the other player as i really enjoy the role play aspect of these servers and the playerBase's commitment to role play and the rules of it 

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