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Un-ban Appeal - Chirven (Unbanned)

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London, United Kingdom
Dear Admins 

Chirven has opened an un-ban appeal

Your In-game name: Chirven
Your Steam Profile ID: Wang1234
Your GUID or Steam ID: 76561198011192829
Date & Time you was banned:: 13/11/2014
Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): Wilco
In your own words, Why do you think you was banned: I was banned because I combat logged and ruined the fun for everyone involved in the situation.
Please copy and paste the rule you think you broke: 2E) Logging/Combat logging at any point where you are in RP is exploiting. Some examples of this: during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting medic, logging to save gear, logging while ziptied (Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal*)
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I was a bit sceptical about even bothering to make an unban request considering the fact that I blatantly combat logged in front of multiple officers all that time ago. However, after speaking to Wilco on steam, he assured me that ALUK are willing to accept back people who are looking for good roleplay and that I should give it a shot. Well, here is my unban request. S there are multiple reasons why I believe I should be given a final chance. First of all, the combat log incident happened a whole year ago, when I was brand new to the gamemode. I have played on the gamemode solidly throughout the year since I got banned on other servers so I have had the chance to adapt and gain a significant amount of experience in not just how to conduct myself in game but also out of game on the forums and such too. I was ignorant and naive when I came, but experience has taught me the true depth of Altis Life and the seriousness that should be taken when playing. I would never do something so stupid as to combat log now, I guess I just didn't understand how scummy combat log was at the time and how serious the dirty move should actually be taken. To my ignorant mind, combat logging was a trivial thing, which I didn't see as a big issue. This taught me my lesson, and I will never let something so stupid get in the way of the roleplay that I was so engaged in at the time. Another reason why you should unban me is because I have been roleplaying for a very long time now. I used to roleplay on World of Warcraft on an RP server (Argent Dawn), which I thoroughly enjoyed at the time. I ended up being accepted into one of the most well known guilds on the server, which unfortunately, eventually died down. I have also been RPing in a DnA 4e (now 5e) group which runs sessions once every two weeks. I have been part of this group for two years and counting where I have developed my love for RP. It was actually a search for a police RP game that got me onto the ALUK website for the first time more than a year ago.

To be honest, there is more to an unban for me than there is for you, and I understand that. I hope that my intentions in wanting to play the server and my story will show you that I am not just any rule breaker, I want to play here again for a good reason. I played on GTA after the ban I received on ALUK. To be quite honest, I'm tired of admins that break their own rules and run the server in favour of them and their gang. I want to play on a server with admins that act professionally, and not like children. I came to this website in multiple times in my time on GTA and I couldn't help thinking that the way the server was run was amazing so much better. The staff team on GTA, no sorry, the "boys" (boys is an appropriate word considering the age they act), consists solely of the friends of head admins, and of course, they act as you expect such a staff team would, abusive and toxic with no idea of how to run a server. It's a genuine wonder that they have such a large community. They break their own rules and lie to their player's faces, then censor all constructive criticism with a ban saying "byebye". I'm sick of it. This server excites me of something so much better. I don't know how It's taken me so long to fully realise how disgusting the bullshit GTA pull is.

Accept me and I will thrive in this community, helping make it into something truly amazing :)
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and insert the URL below: http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/9763-chirven-idler-action-bans-issued-13112014/#comment-56210

NOTE TO MEMBER, This unban appeal will be looked at in due course, Please note there are no timeframe's

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This is a serious RP community and our rules are enforced here and we take things very seriously unlike your temporary community.

We are willing to give you another chance however take things slowly for a few weeks and understand more about the community and how to conduct yourself and you should be fine if your good at RP.


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