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Un-ban Appeal - Brad Miller (Unbanned)

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Brad Miller

Well-known member
In-game Name
Brad Miller

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
<21:12:00> You were banned permanently from the server by "Wilco" (Using Exclusive AltisLife.co.uk without Permission.)

The Server you initially was banned on.

In your own words, Please type why you think you was banned
No actual idea. I have been sitting since yesterday night in the arma 3 editor and i've had loads of fun. I was about to make a cinematic trailer for my gang, so i went into my files and took the altislife.co.uk textures for the cops and pasted them into my OFFLINE editor mode. (They are available for everyone, since you download the whole thing when you connect to the server.) I've created a few missions with some of the police in, where they are driving around transporting prisoners, shooting and so on. And was about to make some scenes of the rebels(My gang). I then decided to go on the altislife.co.uk teamspeak to ask if it was okay, that i used thoese files and if they had a orginal logo that i would be able to paste in the top of the whole movie. I then got in contact with Tampax, and he even linked me a picture of the thing, but i wanted one in higher quality so he reffered me to talk to Unlucky George. Then i asked if he understood what i've told him and linked some videos of what i have done so far. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BIXfH65feM) (other videos i have hidden on my youtube profile, in case ALUK doesn't want them.) He then went down and talked to a few staff members and a few min later he came back and said i shouldn't worry, it was just fine.
The next thing i know i am banned by Wilco for "Using Exclusive AltisLife.co.uk without Permission." but hey?? That was what i came by to ask? If i was allowed to use them
? Your staff members apparently agreed that i was allowed to do so, since it would also be advertising for the server, and my Gang, but now i get banned for it?
If i was told that i had to remove it, i would of course have done it? It was just a little sunday project of mine.

I would very much like to understand this situation, since i really don't got a clue why i am banned.

Why should we unban you.
Because the only thing i wanted was to advertise for your server and make my gang public with an inspiring video, so people could get interested in the server and join it. Nothing more nothing less. I even came by to ask if it was okay..

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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They are exclusive skins made for AltisLife.co.uk... its not about the fact you used them for your own project... its about the complete and utter rudeness of just taking them and not asking.

The logo of AltisLife.co.uk was made by myself and the skins were made by Robert and there has been no attempt by yourself to contact both of us and ask permission.

I had to hear from other members that you were using them without permission, We would of discussed this at a board meeting before giving you an answer but because you have not asked now the answer is a no.

"But hey?"......

For your information Tampax is a mentor, Unlucky George is not a member of staff - http://www.altislife.co.uk/staff/ how about using a bit of common sense and manners ?

Right now i see no reason to allow you back into this community, Please explain yourself.

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I was speaking to Brad earlier tonight and he showed me these videos. I looked at them and did think to myself that this may be against the rules. I think the main problem here Brad, is that when I asked Ciaran, he informed me that someone did ask him for permission, but Ciaran told them to go to Wilco and they failed to do so. 

If this turns out to be you then it is a little bit sly and sneaky of you to completely ignore what the developer has asked of you. 

I would like to reitirate what was mentioned about Unlucky George, I mentioned Georges name as he has made countless projects and videos surrounding the community and thought he may be able to help you with finding a nice logo to use for your video, I didn't ask you to speak to him about anything other than that. He has nothing to do with the staff team and or unban appeals.

- Regards, Tampy

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They are exclusive skins made for AltisLife.co.uk... its not about the fact you used them for your own project... its about the complete and utter rudeness of just taking them and not asking.

The logo of AltisLife.co.uk was made by myself and the skins were made by Robert and there has been no attempt by yourself to contact both of us and ask permission.

I had to hear from other members that you were using them without permission, We would of discussed this at a board meeting before giving you an answer but because you have not asked now the answer is a no.

"But hey?"......

For your information Tampax is a mentor, Unlucky George is not a member of staff - http://www.altislife.co.uk/staff/ how about using a bit of common sense and manners ?

Right now i see no reason to allow you back into this community, Please explain yourself.
Yea i agree it is rude to take someone else work without asking. As i explained above, it was an overnight project, and i didn't get in touch with anyone from the staff, since it was 01:00 UK time, when i started this little thing. When i came on today, I didn't know who to ask, so i came by the staff request room and i met Tempax with gratitude.

We talked a little and he just answer me on those questions i had. He then went down  to some other guys in the rooms below this staff request, and a few mins later he came back and told me there probably was nothing to worry about. 
I didn't think anyone would answer me if i wrote to them in a private message in TS, so i went to the staff request room first. 

As i mentioned i did none of this to harm anyone. I was bored for a night and no one was really online, so i had a little fun by my self, and wanted to come by today to see if what i did was okay. And if i was allowed to make this gang video.

I am really sorry that i have offended you, and of course i apologize for it. I had a wrong first-handed thought going to the mentors first, when i should have obviously gone to you or any other staff members. 

@DI Tampax

Nope, i haven't talked to ANYONE on ALUK about it. As i wrote it was a project over this night. I haven't had time to come by ts and talk with a staff member.  I came by the staff request to talk to you as soon as i had time. I thought you was a member of the staff that could tell me whether i was allowed or not to do what i had done.
And no, it was not me who was supposed to talk to Ciaran, i've never talked to the guy.
Regarding Unlucky George - i know you only told me that he could help me with the logo. I don't know if i stated somewhere that i was gonna ask him about the rest of the stuff? If i did it was a mistake of mine. 

Kind Regards
Brad Miller 

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There is a very active forum here that a lot of people read even on mobile devices when not at the computer.

For your information George's videos are all done on the server and everything else he has done and the admin privileges he has to use the camera he as asked. If you don't ask you don't get.

I kindly ask you to firstly delete the videos and the skins, We now wont give you permission to use our skins or our logo, Please advise once you have done so and we will continue with this appeal.

There is a very active forum here that a lot of people read even on mobile devices when not at the computer.

For your information George's videos are all done on the server and everything else he has done and the admin privileges he has to use the camera he as asked. If you don't ask you don't get.

I kindly ask you to firstly delete the videos and the skins, We now wont give you permission to use our skins or our logo, Please advise once you have done so and we will continue with this appeal.
As for the materials. All the videos are gone, and the textures are deleted. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCISI7USA8TIMWcoTnlHajtg
I was looking forward to making an inspiring video, but i fooled myself. I never thought you would be able to get such things as Unlucky George have. So i started something on my own which i shouldn't have had.
I totally accept your decision whether to let me back into the ALUK community or not. I thought i did the right thing, but didn't think twice about it. 
Let me know if you need me to do anything else.

Kind Regards
Brad Miller

If you are having difficulties understanding me or want a more detailed explanation or just a little more, i would appreciate an conversation on TS instead. I'm not the best in expressing myself through text. (I'm well aware that all the unban appeals is going through the forums, but i just thought this case was a little bit different.)

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I don't know if it was you who wrote the "Awaiting Player" or not, but as i said in the comment above, i already deleted the videos and the skins. 

Kind Regards 
Brad Miller

@Brad Miller No worries

Unbanned, I wont count this as a ban against your record, In future just ask we are very open and will go out our way to help people when approached.

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