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Un-ban Appeal - Azelf - 08/12/2017 (Unbanned 23/08/2017)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Jefke V

Reason given for your ban.
Poor RP

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned for poor rp. Roleplaying as a Terror Organisation (I just said some religious words that shoudnt be said, and kidnapped somebody, not RP'd in a organization way) and NO i did not RP as ISIS. In other terms, roleplaying as things that are questionable to roleplay as. But i do want to point out that I also did a bad job at roleplaying, because i did not fully exploit the roleplay potential and robbed instead of talking and finind other ways or roleplaying. I totally understand the admin's decision to sanction me, and i recognize all the things that i did were wrong.

Why should we unban you ?
My last appeal was timed out (for IRL issues), i apoligize for not responding quickly.

I understand what i did, and i will NOT do it again, this is the best server i've been on (i dont even go on server from my country since i like the international community more), and i apologize to everybody that i've ruined their experience, i also apologize for my actions. I've learnt the lesson , and it will not happen again, i also decided to find myself a better way of Roleplaying, and to enhance other's people experience, i've made myself a story, and a past to tell otherpeople. I will think twice now before doing something that involves roleplaying, and i will give my best for it.
Again, what i did WILL not happen again, and i learnt that in roleplay situations it SHOUD NOT happen , and i've now considered full terms of roleplaying, as well as the rules that are put up.

( And i did not mean to lie to an admin about ''if i had got into trouble or not with admins'', i just forgot since it was something that occured with third party people like when we got RDM'd... )

Also, i wanted to say that i love the server, i've always played on it and non else, i've always been courtois and polite when it concerns talking to people out of RP, as a grown adult I totally understand admin's decisions, but i do insist on trying to get unbaned so i can enjoy the new RP experience that i've created for me, a story (an old French buisnessman) and goals.
I thank the staff team in advance for their work.

Thank you for understanding.

Azelf from France.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

So you

Lied to a staff team member

Roleplay'd as "ISIS"

And got banned for "POOR RP" Even though you got warned three days prior by another admin saying that you basically needed to up your game?

I refuse to say that i roleplayed as ISIS . Thats not what i stand for. I said some words that shoudnt be said and are said by a lot of people around the world, and it doesnt make a me a terror guy. I said God is great in Arabic, it doesnt make me roleplaying is IS, so i did not rp as ISIS, but admins tought i did RP as a terror organization. I had nothing to say. But i refuse to say that i RP'd as IS. 

I did lie to a staff member, but i wasnt conscious that i did encouter an admin earlier, i dont think i can call it a total lie, but if it feels like a lie, then yes i lied, and i was wrong.

Three days prior to the event, there had been a situation between some civilians and me in Kavala. An admin told me to up my game, i did try to up my game. But then i got banned for poor rp, because i knocked out a civilian that turned to be an admin. I recognize that it was poor RP, and i suffered the consequences (ban, havent played for a month). I'm ready to start my things again, and have planned a better quality RP for myself, a more peaceful one i think.

I hope , it convinced you, i'm beeing as sincere as possible, i did make mistakes, but this is the only server i've ever played on and want to play on, i apologize for everything.


I refuse to say that i roleplayed as ISIS

I did lie to a staff member,
so you already lied once to a staffmember,  so you might just lie again to us, by saying you did not rp as isis. 
Who knows, by you lying to alex  does not give us much trust. you might just do it again. 

Also you not only knocked him out, you told him stop or i will shoot, is this the kind of rp you bring to our server? 

Hi, thanks for replying

No i'm not lying to you guys when i say I rp'ed as IS. I just said ''God is great'' in arabic, wich most of people say for fun, and i do speak arabic IRL. Saying this does not make me IS as far as i'm concered. The part of kidnapping people was part of my RP that i did, and i aknowledge, that it was poor rp to play like this. But i still refuse to say that i roleplayed as IS.

I still refuse to say that i roleplayed as IS, for my own dignity and self conciousness, saying some words in Arabic and kidnapping people is not Roleplaying as IS for me. If somebody was offended , again, i'm sorry, i did not mean to offend. This was my mistake and i will not do it again (This is my first ban on the server, and it will never happen again).

When i say i will not do it again, i mean it. My ''lie'' to alex was about me not ecountering an admin three days earlier, that i forgot about, thats all.  

I do realize this was Poor RP, and understand the consequences, i think i was wrong, and i learnt my lesson, i really made myself up about this and thought this thourgh and I really want to RP with much quality as i can possibly do. Telling to stop or i'll shot was INDEED a poor rp situation, and i dont want to bring that on the server. I learnt my lesson about that, and didnt play since it happend and got banned, so i hope you guys can trust me on improving my Roleplay.

Thanks for reading.



Next time i woud at first change how i roleplay. In a sense that roleplay is not about having people killed or robbed in cities, its a lot more, and i realized this after my ban and im fully determined to change my ways. Thus, i will not "knock people out and tell them to stop or they die" , because that is Poor RP. 

Secondly, i will not say words that woud compromise the experience of others, like saying words in Arabic that people might miss-interprete as bad words. I will fully dedicade my languages (Mostly french) to enhace other people's experience (why not do a French teacher that can do French classes in Kavala after all haha). 

At Last , i will not create misunderstandings that might create controversies , like saying things that did not happen in a context and are considered as "lies" , i will fully tell the truth and enhance the experience of other players while enjoying myself on the server

I just want to tell that i learnt my lesson during my Ban , this server is the one that i started playing on , and im fully ready to change my ways of roleplaying, i have thouht about it for some time, and i want to enhance other peoples experiences , because thats what Roleplay's about : Experience and Enjoying small moments with people you did not know existed but are here, with you enjoying the game in one language at the otherside of the world.

Thanks for understanding and reading.


did you read our rules, And will you be able to follow them if we choose to unban you? 

Thanks for replying.

Yes, i read them again and again to be sure that i will not comit anything that will harm other people's experiences. 

I do consider myself as a grown adult to be able to follow rules that i think are justified and legitimate. Thus i have read the rules and i'm totally ready for aplying them and respecting them and following them. 


alright keep follow our rules, 
if you have any questions you can always contact staff on teamspeak. 

UNBANNED 23/08/2017

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