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Un-ban Appeal - Azelf - 07/22/2017 (Denied)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Jefke V

Reason given for your ban.
Poor RP

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was banned because i knocked somebody out, with poor RP. I also used words and roleplay situations that are questionable and shoudnt be roleplayed (ie : Political views, religion...) . Its the poor RP in majority of things that got me banned, i did talk to admins and he told me that there is ''more to rp than just robbing/playing as a bad guy'' , and i totally agree with him. I'm old enough IRL to understand the ban situation, and my experience on ALUK (with all the good and bads) has been the greatest experience of gaming for me.

Why should we unban you ?
First of all, i do apologize for the actions, the poor rp and the questionable things. But i also want to point out that i've been playing on the Server since July 2014 (doesnt show on the profile, but it changes everytime, like my ingame profile), and this is the best Altis Life server i've played on and had a lot of fun on. I do realize the importance of RP, and the poor rp that i did lately is not right. Again, i apologize, and i understand the consequences of my acts i know that i was in the wrong and admins have the 100% right for their actions and they're right. I apologize also to the people's roleplay experience that i've probably hurt. So i hope this will make me thing twice before roleplaying and thus i can give my best to enhance other people's experiences.

Thank you for understanding

Azelf from France.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

I was banned because i knocked somebody out, with poor RP. I also used words and roleplay situations that are questionable and shoudnt be roleplayed (ie : Political views, religion...) . Its the poor RP in majority of things that got me banned, i did talk to admins and he told me that there is ''more to rp than just robbing/playing as a bad guy''
So by the statement marked in bold, you mean roleplaying as a terrorist organisation. Now I can't fathom why you'd think for a second that was acceptable. On top of that, knocking someone out with low quality RP and then lying to the staff member that talked you, saying it was the first time you'd been spoken to by the staff team for the same issue.

The fact you've been playing on the server since July 2014 only reinforces my decision, the fact you've been here for such a long time but are breaking basic server rules frankly baffles me.


Come back in 5 days. 

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