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Un-ban Appeal - Anonymous Dragonfruit - 07/31/2017 (Unbanned 08/08/2017)

  • Thread starter Anonymous Caribou
  • Start date
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Anonymous Caribou

In-game Name
Anonymous Dragonfruit

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Combat logging

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
(2.5) Combat logging at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained (Punishment is a ban, which may be permanent. *) *Staff can make an informed decision depending on if you’ve made an attempt to resolve the issue. We do suggest you attempt to rejoin the server and continue the roleplay (try messaging them with the mobile system first).
In my own words combat logging is the use of the abort option or another way of disconnecting to gain an unfair advantage such as avoiding arrest (as i did) or escaping a gun fight as to not loose equipment.

i was in a police chase and i used combat logging to get out of the situation. It was stupid of me and i would never do again after a thoroughly read through the rules of the server. I now understand the rule I broke and won't make the same mistake again.

Why should we unban you ?
You should unban me because i fully understand the rules of this server now that i have educated myself a second time and will never break the rule i broke again. The act was of stupidity and a massive break of RP and ruins the game for many people who are trying to enjoy their experience on this server. i have acknowledged my actions and why what i did was bad. it was a complete act of foolishness and completely deserving of a ban, i am aware that this act is usually approached with a permanent ban and i completely respect that if that is the way the appeal goes. if i get unbanned and the situation arises again i will confront the police as i should of in the first place and then will then proceed to ask why i was stopped and explain myself.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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You should unban me because i fully understand the rules of this server now that i have educated myself a second time
How did we get to this point, shouldn't have have educated yourself the first time you read our rules? Combat logging is one of the first rules you see so surely it would be one of the first ones you would remember. How did we forget this important rule? 

To be blunt i did not forget the rule i combat logged because i feared losing the equipment i had. it was only after the fact i had realised what i had done. i knew it was a stupid decision however by that point i had to go so i planned to go on the server the next day and fix the issue i had caused however by that point i had been banned. 

I will try to log back in as soon as possible and confront the police to fix the lost RP caused be the combat logging or if that is not an option I will go to the TS to explain myself and try to fix the situation there.

so you are planning, next time you will log out again, And then try to save yourself by talking you out of it on ts? 

No I am not saying I'm planning on combat logging again, I will not be as stupid as to do that again, I am saying that if any issues arise and combat logging occurs that I will log on to the server as soon as I can to recover the RP that was lost or to go on to the TS and explain myself there to recover lost RP there .

Because i now know the severity of my mistake and will not be as stupid as to do it again. I also now know the actions i should take if any issues do arise.

Are you ready to follow the server rules from now on and don't break any of them?

Yes i have read over the rules thoroughly again to make sure i am familiar with everything and i feel as if after the well deserved ban i can be trusted on the servers once again.

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