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Un-ban Appeal - andmos1 - 07/03/2017 (Unbanned 05/07/2017)

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Well-known member
In-game Name
SGT Anders

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
9.1.8) Police are not allowed to execute players. This was abolished in UK law in 1965 . (Punishment is a ban)
(9.1.3) Rubber bullets and tasers must be used unless lethal force is ordered by the highest ranking officer in that situation
This is the reason why I got banned due to staff dession in a player report form from:

Why should we unban you ?
I know what i did was inexusable, and as i said towards both towards Agios command and staff lvl 1 in TS, it was completly my fault. I forgot i did not have any tazeres on me while dealing with the reported player and i snapped. Simple and easy as that, For doing so and for providing poor desion making from my side in this due to this as shown by video evidence provided towards staff by myself, I accept full responibility for the incident that lead me to this ban appeal. I also accept any command desions from the Police side after this because this was an one time incident. I admit after this incident, i took some time off to cool myself down. That was how angry i was during that incinent. Anyway, i am truly sorry for breaking the rules due to this and i appologise for any inconvienece due to this.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

You are a long member of the community and being a very long time in the police.
Can you tell me why you just shot him with lethals, even when you know perfectly fine it is not allowed as a officer in that case?  

Main reason was because the player involved was getting towards me by constanly avergating me. Also as seen and heard in the video i tried my hardest to knock him out due to the fact i checked and saw that i forgot to equiped my tazer during the last equipment gearing. I tried calling for help, but non where reponsive as per video. Yes I should have one lad with me during the prisoner transport, and yes I should have notised way earlier that i did not have any non lethal weapons on me. If hindsight acually works, it would have stopped global warming.

As said in the player report form, it was inexucable for me to even shoot him with leathals. It was my reponibility as SGT to make sure i had non leathal weapons at my disposial at all times. Also, it is my responibilty to be calm and collective in any situations. I failed both in this fateful day.

what would you do different, if a situation like this happens again? 

what would you do different, if a situation like this happens again? 
I would at first check if i even have an non leathal weapon at my disposial.

Secound, I would have another police officer to tag along with me to prison

Third, I would be more calm and collective about the whole situation

Fouth, i would take time typing OCC towards the player involded informing him that this kind of behaviour is unwarrented in this server.

And at last, if the situation is getting out of hand, I would contact staff eather IG or TS.

That is how i would do so diffrently if a simular situation happend again.

i see you learned from your mistake, and took this as a lesson. 
you had some days of the server. 
i am glad to let you back. So you can have a look at your brand new police hq in  agios.

UNBANNED 05/07/2017

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