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Un-ban Appeal - AirborneErnesto (Unbanned)

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Well-known member
United States
Dear Admins 

AirborneErnesto has opened an un-ban appeal

Your In-game name: [BHS] AirborneErnesto
Your Steam Profile ID: STEAM_0:1:55360448
Your GUID or Steam ID: 76561198070986625
Date & Time you was banned:: 02.10.15 (no time)
Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the servers): Steph
In your own words, Why do you think you was banned: There was an incident where, in the officer's eyes, I glitched restraints and killed him.
Please copy and paste the rule you think you broke: I'm not sure what you would call it, but I suppose it may mean this? 2D) Using known exploits such as looting dead bodies, any duplication of items, duplication of money, using the Anti-VDM script to regain full health, landing on the roof of drug processors, working with Bounty hunters to exploit money from the wanted system, using the ‘Flip Vehicle’ feature outside normal usage
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I understand how it looks on my end, but I wish that the report against me was further looked in to. I feel like the report got skimmed over and I was banned for glitching, when in fact that did not happen. I guess I'm just a little confused because I was reported for 'Glitch Restraints,' but banned for getting my cuffs off me when the officer died. As for that side of the story, if an officer dies and is the only one around and no other cops come for the rest of the day, are we to just stand there unrestrained until the NLR surpasses and the officer that just died comes back to take us again?  Also,  I recently found out that you don't have to put your hands above your head as Steph said,  and then found out that the officer has been blacklisted from the police for revenge reporting and revenge killing.

I understand how it looks, but I feel like perhaps someone was misled as to what had happened. I was a cop for a close to 6 months on the server, and have reported plenty for 'glitching restraints.' I assure you that I frown upon it and wouldn't do it in game, so I really dont see how I was picked out of the group for doing so.

I apologize for what happened, and tried to deescalate the situation, but was to no avail. I was angry, and the officer was understandably angry. I was banned, unknowing that I was even reported. I talked to the officer and asked why I was reported and he ignored me.

Once again, I am sorry if I have done something to piss the officer off, or something similar. I wish to continue being a proper civ in the community, and take back the helm for a great group of people I founded, known as the Black Hand. I would like to move forward with a positive attitude, and put aside the feelings of disappointment I have with the situation.

I absolutely love the community,  and I have a deep craving to get back in game.  Thank you in advanced for the time spent reading my somewhat lengthily request.

[BHS] AirborneErnesto
If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and insert the URL below: http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/36805-bhs-airborneernesto-void89a/

NOTE TO MEMBER, This unban appeal will be looked at in due course, Please note there are no timeframe's

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 Please no warning point as Airborne is making accusations about myself.

I guess I'm just a little confused because I was reported for 'Glitch Restraints,' but banned for getting my cuffs off me when the officer died. As for that side of the story, if an officer dies and is the only one around and no other cops come for the rest of the day, are we to just stand there unrestrained until the NLR surpasses and the officer that just died comes back to take us again?
I don't understand how your cuffs fell off when the officer died when you were the one who killed me. On the report on you you wrote that a random guy ran up and lockpicked you out and now you are changing your story.

Also,  I recently found out that you don't have to put your hands above your head as Steph said.
@Steph ♥

and then found out that the officer has been blacklisted from the police for revenge reporting and revenge killing.
This is not correct at all. I left the police by my own decision and was blacklisted for it being my fifth time leaving.  

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I recently found out that you don't have to put your hands above your head as Steph said
I told Airborne this one, If I understand this is still a iffy issue and I was lead to believe if your cuffs come off through time, lockpick, or death you do not have to wait for the officer to be revived or for more officers to show up. I don't expect people as a officer myself to wait if their cuffs come off. I think anyone in their right mind would start running. Sorry if I misled Airborne but that is what I was told awhile ago and I just have not questioned it since I suppose. 

I don't think I asked for a reply from Stee, as I did not mention him once during the whole thing, so if he wants to bring himself into this so be it, as far as I know thats against the rules.  This also just shows that he is doing everything in his power to get rid of me.

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@Stee & @SectorOnPc

You were not mentioned. Please do not get involved in a Ban dispute unless advised to directly by an Admin or the person making the Dispute.
No warning points given due to the circumstances about different ways people were involved, however do not comment again unless mentioned.
This is a written warning. Next time will be warning points added.


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Simply put, when I try to log in, it says I was banned for glitch restraints... That did not happen, and that is why I made this post.  I just miss my friends, my gang, and the community, and I just wanna get back in game.  I've never been reported for anything, I was banned for the wrong reasons (on my first ever report, too) and I want nothing more than to return to the game.  I hate admitting how much I miss it.  I wouldn't take advantage of the game.  My peers know that.  My peers know me.  This whole thing was blown way out of proportion due to "choicey" words.  I apologize on behalf of all involved for the drama.

Sorry for the late response. But yeah I never said something like that or would say something like this. Either you understood me wrong or you are lying. I don't know.

@Steph ♥, wait... maybe I actually don't understand, lol... what are you saying that you never said? im confused.  I'm not saying that you said you dont have to put your hands on your head.. thats not what I meant.  I'm saying I heard that it's a gray area where in an rp situation if you got out of your cuffs or they fell off, would you just put your hands on your head? thats what i meant.  Sorry for the confusion, I may have worded it a bit wrong.  What I'm trying to explain is that I was banned for glitch restraining by you, and i'm just trying to appeal it because there was no glitch, I didn't glitch out of anything.. He's just trying to quote any mess-up I have to turn this in his favor, even though it really doesn't involve him...thats the only reason I made the post... Sorry if it seemed otherwise...  

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So in real life handcuffs can just fall off people now?

Okay. I'm a bit lost.  I was banned for glitch restraining... I did not glitch anything, and now you are all just mocking me... It says awaiting player... people get out of cuffs all the time. that's not a new thing, and if we want to have a debate on roleplay strategies (What COULD happen and what COULD not happen) so be it.  I guess I don't know what you want me to say.  I'm sorry that this is such a terrible situation that it has to be handled like this.  I do believe that that question was asked as a rhetorical question as a jab at me... alrighty... understood.. so whats next?  

I want to be a member of the community, and it seems that politics are more important than taking care of the matter at hand.  If i'm asked if handcuffs fall off of people in real life, then I want to know an instance where a support officer gets his hands on full military grade bullet proof vests in the middle of the night and decides to take out 6-7 armed rebels with a rubber bullet gun, and survives...  I for one have been hit MULTIPLE times with rubber bullets... Don't get me wrong... it REALLY sucks... but i've never been to the point where that would affect me in a life or death situation.  but if I am asked whether or not a human can get out of handcuffs within that long of being arrested, then let me roleplay this for you...

The cop was in the middle of going full Rambo.. let's just say he was on some major PCP and didnt mind the few live rounds that caught him.  In a haze of pain and anguish, he finally seizes the criminals, as if by miracle... very admirable.  What he doesn't do is watch his six, and decides that it would not be wise to remove the weapons from the men standing before him.  He gets into a firefight with an oncoming villain.  The others, that have been standing around for an elongated amount of time, mind you, have multiple weapons, lockpicks, and tools at their disposal.  One of them, wearing gloves at the time of arrest, desperately yanks at his gloves, until they silently hit the floor.  The others look at him, begging for freedom.  With his gloves off he has just enough room to painfully peel his hands from the restraints, and make his way to cover.  The End...

So is it really roleplay that is asked of me, or am I just a fish in a barrel that we all like to poke a stick at?

Please let me know... I would like to resolve this... I would like to rejoin my group and the community.

Thank you...

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Well i can take a warning point for this but mate glitching restraints is not just when you kill someone right after you're restrained. When your handcuffs fall of cause of excessive time or the officer dies you need to put your hands up and wait still. Because in real life handcuffs dont dissappear cause you killed the arresting officer. This is what's everyone trying to say and no one is mocking you. Crumble is trying to push you to understand and explain what you did wrong by saying ' So in real life handcuffs can just fall off people now? '. Cause you acted like your cuffs came off when the excessive time happened or the officer got killed. I am sorry to comment on this but just trying to help would gladly get a point for it.

Kind regards
if the officer dies and is the only one online, do I wait for NLR to end and have him come back and get us?  so stand arrested for a half hour, and then another 20 minutes after?

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"and dont call me here again because unbans are not for discussion and i dont wanna keep discussing this with you."

 I never called you in here in the first place, you broke forum rules and got yourself into it.... You even said you'd take warning points for it....  lol, don't try to turn that into being my fault.

And.. he removed his comment....  Wait, can't you not delete your comments?  Where are MW Ali's comments?

I also want to thank the people who support me on this, and those who were there, who are messaging me with outrage that I was reported for this.  You are the reason that I am still fighting for this. I can't wait to see you guys in game again... Until then.. I'm on the outside looking in...

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"and dont call me here again because unbans are not for discussion and i dont wanna keep discussing this with you."

 I never called you in here in the first place, you broke forum rules and got yourself into it.... You even said you'd take warning points for it....  lol, don't try to turn that into being my fault.

And.. he removed his comment....  Wait, can't you not delete your comments?  Where are MW Ali's comments?

I also want to thank the people who support me on this, and those who were there, who are messaging me with outrage that I was reported for this.  You are the reason that I am still fighting for this. I can't wait to see you guys in game again... Until then.. I'm on the outside looking in...
They were removed by the Forum moderators mate!


If an officer dies and he was the only one online I see no problem in just walking away as that officer should not have any knowledge on what went on.

However if their is more than one officer at the scene and your hand cuffs did fall off due to the restrain time it would be good of you to just put your hands up, after all this is a serious roleplay server right?

After reviewing your unban appeal you definitely deserve a second chance. I hope you do see where I'm coming from here!


Unbanned 01/11/15

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