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Un-ban Appeal - adam_508 - 09/15/2017 (Unbanned)

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.
Long beard

Reason given for your ban.

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
Well first of just to get things clear i wont be typing why i "think" i was banned i know exactly was i banned especially after having a talk with Long Beard. Last night i was arrested by long beard and sent to prison for 25 minutes. In role play i wanted to go after beard and capture him and take him hostage as a prisoner keeping in mind i had NOTHING against him outside of role play eg the whole police fiasco. As soon as i was free from the prison i called on two friends for my group (TBB) to come and assist in the murder/capture of long beard keeping in mind this was just rebel play role playing wanting to have a bit of fun etc. The plan was to rob petrol stations in hope that the police would come including long beard ( again no hate hes a nice guy). This immediately breaks the rule of 'bating'. At the time all three of us were unaware of this rule. We had all read the rules but it's hard to remember every single one. From here i don't even know how to explain it. It was a bit chaotic and a lot happened. The plan was also to try and make some money so we would keep moving to the next station after one was robbed and store money in the bank as we went along. We kept talking constantly about the rules eg Random death match and to make sure whenever anyone spoke to the police that they hot mic in teamspeak so the other 2 new exactly what was going on and making sure that initiation had taken place we really emphasised this. I don't want to blab on about the details as it would take forever to read so ill keep it simple. Im going to forget about my other 2 teammates and focus on my errors. Through out the ordeal i would say i probably killed 2 officers. The first one was at the very first station NPAS had arrived and I had fired multiple warning shots at the helicopter to ward them of. soon after this they landed and pushed to the station, i heard my teammate on teamspeak say something along the lines of 'come in and ill shoot' I was a distance away so i just heard this on teamspeak. I then proceeded to hear the sounds of my friends pistol being fired and the sounds of suppressed rifles (police). From my point of view initiation had happened shots had been fired from both factions and any cop i saw was to be shot if they tried anything on me. A few seconds later i saw an officer sneaking up at me with his weapon drawn at me moving closer and closer to the point he could touch me he did not say anything in direct and i proceeded to peek him and fired he fired back and i got into cover i then peaked the second time and finished him of. We then finished of robbing and travelled to the next station. I will skip this part as i sat in a vehicle the whole time driving around ready as a get away driver while my team did the robing and fighting. A important part to remember though was we saw a police SUV pull up with 2 officers and saw them runaway and hide they did not bother us and we finished and moved to the next station. This is were my RDM took place. One of the guys set himself up in a multi story building while the other robbed and i stayed look at for cops coming from the direction we came from i knew we didn't finish them of and i was ready expecting them to arrive soon. Soon enough i saw the SUV pull up and i immediately engaged killing one while the other jumped out to cover (Naylor) Naylor then flanked me and shot me through a blue metal fence ending my life there. This was pretty much the end for me while my teammates finished of the last of the cops and robbed the third station. Now i know exactly what I've done wrong and the rules i have broken. The baiting rule was just a case of me not knowing it going back to the point there are of course many rules and there difficult to remember. Just looking at my hours im fairly new to the server still probably altogether holding just under 20 hours total playtime of the server spread out over the course of a few days. When i killed the SUV officer i was under the impression that the role play was still carrying on and they were there to kill us which now makes no sense as they pulled up right to the front in a none aggressive fashion. I guess you could say it was the heat of the moment etc and not knowing the apparent un written rule of if you loose sight of the officers for at least 5 mins ( when the last bullet was shot) you have to re initiate and role play. I was simply unaware and i did break a RDM and a baiting rule.

Why should we unban you ?
This is quite a hard question as of i did break server rule's and its hard to justify that i should be allowed back on the server. I think the fact that they we both and accident as i was simply unaware and i empathised to my teammates massively to focus on the rules and hot mic so we know everything but sometimes errors are made in the mist of chaos. So far ive really enjoyed this community of people from the police to just friends ive made in game. I understand that hard strict rules need to be set in place to keep things running smoothly and were lucky we even have a thing like this, Ban appeals and that. I am sorry for what happened and if i were to be accepted back into the community i would never make the same mistake as i have learnt ALOT about the how things run in the past few days and i would really like a second chance to try again and carry on playing with the friends ive made etc. But at the same time if the appeal is declined i completely understand why and i will accept that. Thanks for reading all this. Adam.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

Please quote the exact rule you have broken and explain it in your own words. 

Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order.    RPUK servers are about roleplay there for roleplay is always considered over RDM. You have to talk to them in roleplay and say you want to rob you need to say something like ' hand up or i will shoot' and give them a chance to comply instead of just headshotting him for 200m away. 

Baiting - Baiting for the sake of a gunfight is not roleplay. Punishment is a ban. Examples: Flying over someone with a chopper waiting for warning shots to instantly shoot them back, robbing a service station with the intent of a gunfight, etc.  So you cant go robbing gas stations like we did just to get the cops or specific officers to come just so we can kill them or take them hostage that is bating. provoking someone to the point they fire warning shots so you can fire back and have a gunfight  is also considered bating

Fair play to you, you've put in a hell of a lot of effort and quite obviously understand what you've done wrong. I have one concern, your explanation of the RDM rules leaves a lot to be desired, in fact if you did what you've just said you'd be quoting another one of our rules and would be breaking that.

Quote me the rule regarding killing and executing a player, you'll very quickly realise what you've just said is unacceptable. 

Okay i wont even quote the rule here and just say it i know what your talking about you cant just kill someone without quality form of roleplay counting down is also considered bad role play. When i said hands up or ill shoot it wasnt something to be taken that seriously it was just a quick short example you know? i know on the server would not count as rp way to short and unrealistic etc. If need be i can still go get the rule i thought this would be better to prove i know from the top of my head.  

[SIZE=medium]Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban). [/SIZE]this part right ? just to be sure

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No, incorrect.

Maybe you don't know the rules as well as I thought. Try again.

Quote me the rule regarding killing and executing a player under Rebel Roleplay, then explain it in your own words. 

(7.1.3) Killing someone must be carried out with high quality roleplay, “put your hands up or I will shoot” etc is considered low quality RP and may lead to a ban for RDM/Fail RP. Executing another player must also be carried out with high quality roleplay, the only exception to this rule is if both you and the victim are engaged in a gunfight together. ahhh you mean his one? This is what I was talking about i guess I just though the other one meant the same thing, sorry about that. Well yeah in my own words when playing in rebel fashion and you want to say rob someone you can't just say something simple like I will shoot you if you don't raise your hands you have to engage it quality role play at the highest standard. Failing to do this would result in a ban. 

There we go, spot on.

We'll grant you a second chance, please don't fall foul of the rules again!


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