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Un-ban Appeal - _unbanSK - 17/04/19

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In-game Name

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Admin kick 2.1 Forum Report

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I got banned because i was being a stupid immature salty person who decided to run someone over with my truck because i was salty that i got robbed and killed. I will be a mature adult and admit to my mistakes and i shouldve never done what i done.

Why should we unban you ?
(The video thats been uploaded against me its been edited it and its not the full video,ask him to show you the full video and now the edited video.Andrew was swearing at me saying racist stuff to me which got me angry because i deal with racit people in my school everyday people calling me a black monkey and the N word, but i shouldve never reacted the way i did and im really sorry please unban me and give me 1 more chance i will never repeat the same mistake again i promise.I will do anything to get unbanned and also do some community work to reedem my self please please unban me im sorry i understand my mistake now and im ready to move on. Every Human being deserves a second chance and i also deserve another opportunity to show im a good person.)i believe you should unban me because im a good community player and i done allot of good stuff, i have helped different people in different occasions and i don't think its fair for me to get banned because i might of made a small mistake which its not an excuse. Everyday after work i come and play on the role play server because role playing for me its something i enjoy doing and its a passion. i try to play on other role play servers but its just not the same its boring i love this role play server. I am sorry for VDM ANDREW. Role playing isn't something easy and takes a bit of time to get the hang of it. im also human who makes mistakes everyday and learns everyday. Please consider my application and give me 1 last chance to redeem my self.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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@_unbanSK Have a look at this forum report made against you and update your appeal 

Also how come you made 2 ban appeals within such short time?

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Hi, i made 2 ban appeals by accident i thought you didnt get the first one.I updated my appeal and pleas look at it and give me 1 more chance. Im also human who makes mistakes and i learned from my silly mistake, this is my first time being banned and it wont happen ever again if you decide to give me 1 last chance.

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Please answer/complete the following in detail,

- Copy & paste the VDM Rule

- Why do we have the VDM rule in place

- What would you do differently in a situation like this one?

Vdm Rule 2.1

Vehicle Deathmatch (also known as VDM) - Using any vehicle as a weapon (e.g running people over, causing explosions including while sling loading, ramming, etc), will result in you receiving a ban. Three vehicles are excluded from this, MRAPS (Ifrits, Hunters and Striders) can ram other MRAPS in order to disable them, yet not to kill the passengers. This is allowed as these vehicles are the only vehicles ingame that can withstand being rammed. Please note that you need to initiate roleplay before attempting to ram an MRAP. (Please note - MRAPS don't need to be initiated on in the redzone) This is to prevent random ramming on site. (Three minutes of chasing also constitutes initiation of MRAP and MRAP ramming).

Reason for having VDM rule

To prevent any people or cars being killed or destroyed in GreenZone and to maintain peace in greebzone. Always keep role playing stay in character.

What I would do different next time?

 I will stop and think before I make any stupid mistake, if it happens again I just gotta keep role playing and go speak to an officer and get help like how a sensible person would do.

(The video thats been uploaded against me its been edited it and its not the full video,ask him to show you the full video and now the edited video.Andrew was swearing at me saying racist stuff to me
Could you tell me exactly where this video was edited?  

Could you tell me exactly where this video was edited?  
After 9min he cuts the video. There is more footage of him being racist to me calling me N word and a black monkey. I dont have the footage because i didint record nothing but im pretty sure he decided to crop that part of the video out so he dont get banned and not look bad infront admins. Im happy to move on from this incident now and forget about this in the past and keep playing in the server if everything is sorted. 

Thank you 

Please answer/complete the following in detail,

- Copy & paste the VDM Rule

Vehicle Deathmatch (also known as VDM) - Using any vehicle as a weapon (e.g running people over, causing explosions including while sling loading, ramming, etc), will result in you receiving a ban. Three vehicles are excluded from this, MRAPS (Ifrits, Hunters and Striders) can ram other MRAPS in order to disable them, yet not to kill the passengers. This is allowed as these vehicles are the only vehicles ingame that can withstand being rammed. Please note that you need to initiate roleplay before attempting to ram an MRAP. (Please note - MRAPS don't need to be initiated on in the redzone) This is to prevent random ramming on site. (Three minutes of chasing also constitutes initiation of MRAP and MRAP ramming).

- Why do we have the VDM rule in place

To prevent any people or cars being killed or destroyed in GreenZone and to maintain peace in greebzone. Always keep role playing stay in character.

- What would you do differently in a situation like this one?

I will stop and think before I make any stupid mistake, if it happens again I just gotta keep role playing and go speak to an officer and get help like how a sensible person would do.

After 9min he cuts the video.
But that is after the fact that you VDM'd him? If your statement is true that is disgraceful and I could understand you being angry but you say that you VDM'd him because of what he said but you killed him before he supposedly said it? 

I Vdm him after he robbed me and killed me. After he killed me he said “die you fu**ing nigg*” so after he killed me that’s when I VDM him and and I didn’t even kill him only downed him he got revised later and when I VDM that’s when he started calling dirt monkey and other names which you don’t hear. I’m good now and both of us made a mistake and I’m ready to move on.

That part is not in the video you wont see it and i cant really prove it to you as i dont have a video sir. Im not going to lie and im admitting to my mistakes. Can i know whats going to happen now please? will i get unbanned and get a second chance to redeem my self please.

That part is not in the video you wont see it and i cant really prove it to you as i dont have a video
I'm just confused as you claim you VDM'd him because he used racial slurs against you but as far as I can see the person robbed you and after you broke NLR to get your truck back you VDM'd the people who shot you after you seen them again? First you say the racial slurs where used after the video ended and now you say that they happened when you were killed but nowhere in the video does it happen. The video in that report doesn't seem edited to me so I'm just wondering where they supposedly used racial slurs against you that made you VDM them?

The part of the video when i get killed i cant remember if it was the person who killed me or his friend he says die you nigga but you cant hear it for some reason maybe he muted his mic when he said it or something. After the video ended he started saying more racist comments and i will also admit i was saying F word to him allot out of anger but you dont see it because the video is supposed to be longer than 9min. im completely over the incident and im ready to move foward and forget about it. This happened 1 week ago now. Can we please just forget about it and possibly unban me please. i love this server and right now i have nothing else to do than just watch boring youtube videos. Please i beg you unban me you will never hear from me again no one will ever report me because i will behave and just mind my buisness and mature person.

I'm just confused as you claim you VDM'd him because he used racial slurs against you but as far as I can see the person robbed you and after you broke NLR to get your truck back you VDM'd the people who shot you after you seen them again? First you say the racial slurs where used after the video ended and now you say that they happened when you were killed but nowhere in the video does it happen. The video in that report doesn't seem edited to me so I'm just wondering where they supposedly used racial slurs against you that made you VDM them?
The part of the video when i get killed i cant remember if it was the person who killed me or his friend he says die you nigga but you cant hear it for some reason maybe he muted his mic when he said it or something. After the video ended he started saying more racist comments and i will also admit i was saying F word to him allot out of anger but you dont see it because the video is supposed to be longer than 9min. im completely over the incident and im ready to move foward and forget about it. This happened 1 week ago now. Can we please just forget about it and possibly unban me please. i love this server and right now i have nothing else to do than just watch boring youtube videos. Please i beg you unban me you will never hear from me again no one will ever report me because i will behave and just mind my buisness and mature person.

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I'm just confused as you claim you VDM'd him because he used racial slurs against you but as far as I can see the person robbed you and after you broke NLR to get your truck back you VDM'd the people who shot you after you seen them again? First you say the racial slurs where used after the video ended and now you say that they happened when you were killed but nowhere in the video does it happen. The video in that report doesn't seem edited to me so I'm just wondering where they supposedly used racial slurs against you that made you VDM them?
The part of the video when i get killed i cant remember if it was the person who killed me or his friend he says die you nigga but you cant hear it for some reason maybe he muted his mic when he said it or something. After the video ended he started saying more racist comments and i will also admit i was saying F word to him allot out of anger but you dont see it because the video is supposed to be longer than 9min. im completely over the incident and im ready to move foward and forget about it. This happened 1 week ago now. Can we please just forget about it and possibly unban me please. i love this server and right now i have nothing else to do than just watch boring youtube videos. Please i beg you unban me you will never hear from me again no one will ever report me because i will behave and just mind my buisness and mature person.

maybe he muted his mic when he said it or something
If he muted his mic when he said it you wouldn't have heard it? 

Are you sure you are telling the truth because your story seems to be changing and the evidence that was provided shows the entire situation and I do not hear them being racist towards you. What I can see if you breaking NLR to grab your truck and using it to VDM your killers

I will be honest because i hate lying. i did use my truck to VDM and kill them because when i got robbed and killed i got mad becuase i lost everything. They didnt make a racit comment at the start but after 9min when the video ends they started being racist and i lied because my friend told me too and its not an excuse to lie but i just want to get unbanned i love the server and im scared i might be banned for life. The truth is at the start when they robbed us and killed us they didint make any racit comment they only made a racist comment towards me after i killed them but you wont hear it because thats when the video ends and i dont have any hardcorde evidence against them because i didint make a video. im sorry for lying i was just scared of being banned. i apologise

Thanks for the honesty though I think it's a little bit too late, how about you try making a new appeal 7 days from now telling the truth from the start.

Appeal denied - Re appeal at 26/04/2019 

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