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Un-ban Appeal - 17ambi - 08/01/18 (Unbanned)

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Well-known member
In-game Name
PC ambi [WA145]

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
Saying Copper faggots (talking about the gang Copper Kings) (1.2)

The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
While being held hostage along with Stavik and Ridge (i believe), one of the officers noticed a crown on a truck and then identified the crown as being the sign of the Copper Kings, following that, without anyone being around (correct me if I'm wrong), I jokingly said "Copper Faggots". Not because I have anything against them if it comes to Police carreer but because of boredom. It was a dumb thing to say and i know this is why i got banned. "Savik - The Copper "F******" appeal on forum"

Why should we unban you ?
I realise that it is my fault and i take full responsability, however i want to mention that it wasnt in a hateful or discriminatory way since no member of Copper kings or any other civilian was even around. I'm 99% sure I didnt recieve a ban/kick prior to this one, this being one of the reasons for me filing this appeal. I get that I have made a mistake and fully promise it won't happen again if I receive only one more chance. I dont want to come across as a begger but I really worked hard to get where I was now (policeman and medic) and I would really appreciate to get an unban. I always tried my best not to break rules and I strongly believed this wouldnt affect anyone, but still, even though it may not seem like it, I fully knew that I shouldn't say that, especially as a Police Constable. I want to also state that in no way i would've said this to any civilian/medic. Im really apologetic and, as I said I take full responsability over my actions.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read the rules click here

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So I am guessing you understand the meaning of the derogatory word? And I hope you understand why its not acceptable behaviour and why do not tolerate such language here.

You said it because of boredom in a joking matter? Being bored does not give you the right to break rules no matter how big or small. If you're bored you finish the situation that you're involved in then you log out of our game servers.

Explain to us why you think we don't tolerate that kind of language or behaviour.

I want to start off by saying that the boredom part wasnt trying to express the fact that I was bored of playing on the server at the time. I was taken hostage and I've been that way for 30min-60min and wasn't able to move the entire time. Thats what i was bored of. As I said, what I did clearly wasnt right and I deeply apologise for it. I didn't say at any point that the reason behind what I said excuses the action, but I just wanted to point out that it wasn't in a hateful way. I dont even have anything against the persons that I would've offended, as I stated in the appeal. I could think of many reasons why you wouldn't tolerate this, especially from a PC, so I'm gonna start with saying them. I believe that one of the reasons would be the lack of realism because obviously if all the people would start cussing other gangs/players randomly everything would be much worse, especially the roleplay. Another reason I believe would be avoiding players to feel discriminated or neglected or anything of the sort that comes with an insult adressed towards them. I never meant to insult anyone, still it was a poor choice to say it. As i previously said, it ruins the realism and it does that even more if you have a policeman saying it. I think it makes it 3 times worse because you know that officer who said it can't have anything against you because he is meant to stay formal on the job and I believe you'd feel like garbage if you got bad words coming your way from the PD without any reason and it would totally ruin the roleplay afterwards (after the bad word was said) and also ruin the immerse people have towards the world that the server created. This just makes the citizens' anger towards the PD rise even more. Again, I dont believe this is the case for me because I wouldn't have said that if any member of the group that I insulted was around. It seems like im pushing this statement too much but I cant stress it enough- I didn't mean to offend anyone, but  I know, it is still wrong and I definetly wont do anything of the sort again and I hope I'll have a chance to prove that. I really enjoy this server and I've been a part of it for 7 months now and really struggled to get to where I am now. Again, if you choose not to unban me it's totally understandable and I'll be back in 6 months with an improved appeal. Although 6 months without playing on this server seem a lot to me, I can fully understand the reasoning behind it. I made some good friends while playing here and even If i can still talk to them on teamspeak it still feels bad when you are deprived from interacting with them the same way as you could've done before. You dont have any reason to sympathize with me I was just mentioning some more reaasons to why I want so badly to be unbanned. Also I can guarantee this didn't happen in the past and it was my first slip up of the sort. An unban now or after 6 months still means that I learnt my leasson and wont do something like that ever again. It may seem like persuasion ,but thank you for taking time to reply and I'm sorry for bothering.

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everytime  peopl that get banned for the same reason as you. screams out " i dont want to hurt anyone, I said it as a joke." 
Why did you thought it was necessary to use those words? 
Also tell me how we can trust you after a incident like this? 

I get that people will always say that they didnt mean to and stuff like that, I used to be a staff member too, but I'm 100% sure my case is different. As I said, no one was around which clearly means that I didnt want to offend anyone, even though I had the chance to. If I wanted to do so, I couldve said the thing that got me banned a couple of seconds earlier, when the people from the said gang were able to hear me. I didn't think it was necessary, everything was really quiet and I was only trying to be funny after a long time of being taken hostage and waiting to be freed. I know this doesnt excuse the action nor the fact that I was extremly imature, especially as a police officer. I believe you can trust me because firstly, I failed many tests throughout my policeman and medic career and I kept coming back, I kept on trying to improve everyday. I never gave up so this clearly shows that this means alot to me and that I wouldn't risk doing anything of the sort again. Secondly, I spent a lot of time working on the previous reply and on the appeal so I'm not sick in the head to do something like that again just to waste some more time writing an appeal which could be denied aswell. Thirdly, this was my first mistake of the sort in 7 months (7 months ago I started playing) therefore I believe that I am worthy of your trust. I can promise that I didn't say the thing I said because I have poor rule knowledgement. I know the rules pretty well (server rules+police rules+nhs rules) and I totally wouldn't have done that in an RP situation or If anyone else apart from the officers I was with were to be around. Again, I'm really sorry and I realise the trouble you can get into for a thing like this so If I get a chance I will avoid screwing up again. My word may not mean too much but I promise that I won't do anything like this again. It took me a while to reply because I've been away today. Have a nice day!

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Learn from your mistake. As you know this ban will remain on record. No more throw away comments like this.

You're getting a second chance to prove yourself. Don't blow it.

Welcome back.


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